Identifying the Most Effective Treatment Plan for Substance Abuse

By March 14, 2022December 3rd, 2024Sober living

When we look at individuals who have had a substance use disorder, over 70% considered themselves to be in recovery during 2021. Most individuals who were struggling with addiction and did not participate in treatment during the same time didn’t believe that their use warranted the need for therapy and other treatment interventions. A program that for the most part recruits socially advantaged individuals will not need to provide or help the client find vocational, educational, housing, welfare, or primary medical services. Court orders or other criminal justice system referrals to treatment are not unknown in private programs, particularly in outpatient modalities (Harrison and Hoffmann, 1988; Hoffmann and Harrison, 1988).

goals of substance abuse treatment

Consult with a Healthcare Professional or Therapist

They also motivate patients on their journey toward sobriety and long-term recovery. Behavioral therapies help people in drug addiction treatment modify their attitudes and behaviors related to drug use. As a result, patients are able to handle stressful situations and various triggers that might cause another relapse. Behavioral therapies can also enhance the effectiveness of medications and help people remain in treatment longer. Differentiate between short-term goals, like attending daily therapy sessions, and long-term goals, such as maintaining sobriety for a year or rebuilding relationships with family members. Both types of goals offer direction and motivation during the recovery process.

  • Of the sources, 20 of 62 argued for the importance of a standardized procedure, including standardized measurement, timing, and for some sources, the nature of the discussion about the data (e.g., topics discussed, length of discussion, tools used; e.g., Kearney et al., 2015; Law & Wolpert, 2014).
  • Treatment plans should be reviewed and updated regularly, typically every days or when a significant change in the client’s situation occurs.
  • Additionally, it is important to understand your client’s motivation for recovery and determine where they fall within the stages of change.
  • Regularly scheduled check-ins are essential for tracking progress and identifying areas that require adjustments.
  • Therapeutic interventions should be easily incorporated into your goals and objectives, ideally, using evidence-based approaches.

Recovery Support Services

goals of substance abuse treatment

The experience with community-based treatment during the 1970s was certainly favorable. Whether this finding will hold up under the current circumstances of vastly increased criminal justice case-processing burdens is not yet known. The general process of treatment planning and delivery for individuals with severe substance use disorders is described below, along with an explanation of the evidence-based therapies, medications, and RSS shown to be effective in treatment.

Smart Goals for Substance Abuse: Examples for Addiction Recovery and Setting Realistic Objectives

For example, many opioid medication trials involve “opioid-only” populations, whereas in practice most patients with opioid use disorders also have alcohol, marijuana, and/or cocaine use disorders. Your evaluation will likely explore the presence of other mental health conditions, including trauma or life events, that could be a force behind your client’s addiction. The different levels of care available for substance abuse treatment are designed with different intensities and frequencies, to reflect the different levels of support commonly needed in recovery. Additionally, it is important to understand your client’s motivation for recovery and determine where they fall within the stages of change.

  • These practices relate to the key aspect of how goal monitoring occurs—via a discussion (principle three; 15 of 62 sources).
  • Regardless of the substance for which the individual seeks treatment or the setting or level of care, all substance use disorder treatment programs are expected to offer an individualized set of evidence-based clinical components.
  • It was generally based in a central office and had its own credentialed specialists affiliated with the personnel or health department of a firm or union.
  • Since its founding in 1978, The National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers has provided leadership, advocacy, training, and support to ensure the highest quality of addiction treatment.

Recovery Stage

If you think you have a SUD, consider reaching out to a trusted healthcare professional for an evaluation and to discuss your treatment options. Before going through treatment for cessation, the drug may have been a top priority in your life. Much of your time may have been spent thinking about the drug, seeking it out, using, and recovering. Still, some research indicates that it may improve symptoms of PTSD to a greater degree than those of SUD.

  • Only the 4 percent of prison releasees who had served terms longer than five years—almost all of whom were convicted murderers, rapists, and armed robbers with multiple convictions—had a lower rate of rearrest (by about 14 percentage points) than the others.
  • This method is an important limitation to keep in mind as rater bias could have affected the selection of code references and coding procedure.
  • Estimated productivity losses owing to drug problems add up to an impressive figure.
  • This pattern is visible not only in particular cases but also more broadly, as drug treatment policies, practices, and capabilities evolve with accumulating experience and vary with the changing balances between governing ideas.
  • Treatment for substance use disorder can be inpatient or outpatient and is unique to each individual.
  • The relevant evidence on criminal recidivism during and after “mandatory” treatment is reviewed in Chapter 5.

Setting Realistic Goals

goals of substance abuse treatment

Your recovery plan should help you deal with the trauma causing your disorder and how its symptoms affect your everyday life. It’s a personal roadmap tailored to your needs and is vital to recovery success. This article will break down the clinical conditions that CBT addresses, how it helps those struggling with substance use disorders and other mental health conditions, and who this type of treatment might be right for. Inpatient (meaning you stay at a hospital or treatment program overnight for a few days or weeks)This is usually for people needing 24-hour care for their mental health or drug or alcohol misuse. Study methods included a literature review and qualitative content analysis to derive a set of principles and practices of goal setting and monitoring.

Treatment Methods & Evidence-Based Practices

The client’s progress during or after treatment may depend heavily on the detailed conditions of criminal justice supervision that applied when the client entered treatment. To understand this connection requires a closer look at the relationship between the criminal justice and treatment systems. For example, the moral censure of drugs and the desire to reduce the prevalence of drug-related crime were early and clear influences on the development of publicly supported treatment programs. It is impossible to understand the growth of the national treatment system apart from the national policy focus on cutting down street crime. But compassion for the suffering of the addict has also been a factor, together with a strong current of concern, especially in the 1960s, about improving economic opportunities in urban neighborhoods badly troubled by poverty, drugs, racial discrimination, and other problems. Concern has centered as well on protecting the civil rights restoring the human dignity of drug-dependent individuals.

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