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Cognitive Dissonance: Definition and Examples

By Sober livingNo Comments

cognitive dissonance treatment

On a big-picture level, we have cognitive dissonance to thank for huge advancements within society. Dr. Noulas says that successes in women’s rights, environmental rights, and gay rights are examples of positive change that have resulted from cognitive dissonance. Those changes were due to individuals recognizing contradictions between how people viewed women, the environment, and nontraditional relationships and how we acted as a society (or allowed others to act). It’s the tension that arises when we think one way but act another way, or when we hold two opposing views at the same time. You believe we all should reduce our carbon footprint but struggle to break free from internal combustion engines and luxury SUVs. Typically, when we feel psychological dissonance, it’s because one of these patterns of thought is being challenged.

Reducing the Importance of the Conflicting Belief

  • It is not a sentiment or a preference, but rather a motivational necessity that people had to accommodate.
  • Cooper & Worchel’s finding meant that the dissonance effect was dependent on having produced something unwanted – in this case, convincing a fellow student that a boring task was actually fun and exciting.
  • As an illustration, Focella et al. (2016) established vicarious hypocrisy by having participants witness a fellow student make a public pro-attitudinal statement about using sunscreen whenever one goes outdoors.
  • Axsom & Cooper (1985) used laboratory procedures to demonstrate that people can lose weight if they are motivated by dissonance, but no such treatment ever became available for people to use.
  • The theory of cognitive dissonance has been widely researched in a number of situations to develop the basic idea in more detail, and various factors have been identified which may be important in attitude change.

Some participants had been offered cognitive dissonance and addiction a small amount of money to make the attitude discrepant statement (U.S. $1) while others had been offered a substantially larger amount (U.S. $20). Festinger & Carlsmith made the prediction that the $20 incentive would lead to less dissonance than the small incentive because it helped people understand why they had acted in contradiction to their true beliefs. Participants who had only been offered $1 had much less comfort from their small incentive and thus were predicted to experience a greater tension state. Consistent with those predictions, participants in the $1 condition changed their attitudes more than the participants who were offered the large reward.

Social pressures

Many decades ago, I argued that cognitive dissonance might be the underlying mechanism behind successful psychotherapy, regardless of the type of therapy being offered (Cooper, 1980). From psychoanalytic approaches to cognitive and behavioral interventions, clients find themselves in a situation much like participants in Aronson & Mills’ (1959) classic effort justification experiment. Aronson & Mills’ participants came to like a goal they were trying to achieve as a function of the amount of effort they expended to achieve the goal.

cognitive dissonance treatment

Cognitive Dissonance and the Discomfort of Holding Conflicting Beliefs

We generally try to eliminate this dissonance by taking a new, consonant action or by dismissing the incongruent information. The effects may relate to the discomfort of the dissonance itself or the defense mechanisms a person adopts to deal with it. There are also individual differences in whether or not people act as this theory predicts. Many people seem able to cope with considerable dissonance and not experience the tensions the theory predicts. In other words, he could tell himself that a short life filled with smoking and sensual pleasures is better than a long life devoid of such joys. In this way, he would be decreasing the importance of dissonant cognition (smoking is bad for one’s health).

cognitive dissonance treatment

  • The call to place more emphasis on putting dissonance research into practice is simultaneously a call to continue studying dissonance in the laboratory.
  • She is an immigrant and identifies as a Chinese and Filipina American woman.

As Festinger said, “The holding of two or more inconsistent cognitions arouses the state of cognitive dissonance, which is experienced as uncomfortable tension. For Festinger, consistency among cognitions was not a preference but a drive. Just as people need to reduce their thirst by drinking and their hunger by eating, people who perceive inconsistency must find a way to reduce it. The drive to reduce inconsistency can be accomplished by a number of means, but attitude change became the most frequent resolution in the early research on dissonance.

  • Cognitive dissonance isn’t just a vague psychological theory — in fact, contradictory beliefs appear in our lives more often than we might want to admit.
  • People recognized the cognitive dissonance and made necessary changes to better align society’s values with our actions.
  • When you feel either physical or psychological discomfort, make a note of it to yourself.
  • The field of social psychology has always had equal interest in theoretical advancement and practical applications of its theories.
  • It has the advantage of being testable by scientific means (i.e., experiments).

How To Reduce Cognitive Dissonance

Because these behaviors are pro-attitudinal rather than counterattitudinal, the best way for achieving change is to arouse the dissonance-based motivational drive of hypocrisy. Times are beginning to change and dissonance theorists have been part of that change. 21st century literature shows an accelerating number of practical procedures that are being used and assessed, particularly in the health improvement field. Based on cognitive dissonance theory, the Body Project was developed as an intervention to help people with faulty body images and eating disorders (Stice, Rohde & Shaw, 2013). Evaluation studies have shown this approach to have significant impact on eating disorders among women in a United States sample (Green et al., 2018) and body image satisfaction among men in the United Kingdom (Jankowski et al, 2017). This is as it should be, as arguably no theory has been more frequently studied, criticized, supported and modified than cognitive dissonance.

cognitive dissonance treatment

So, for instance, when conflict or tension arises, take the time to pause and think through your situation and your feelings. “The tension that gets created when you hold certain beliefs or values but act in a way that conflicts with your belief systems generates an internal discomfort that most people have to subconsciously work very hard to ignore,” Curry says. Recognizing and reconciling cognitive dissonance is not always a feel-good experience. Spotting dissonance in our own lives can be painful, embarrassing, and anxiety-inducing, too. And it can be troubling and mentally exhausting to deal with, Curry says. People recognized the cognitive dissonance and made necessary changes to better align society’s values with our actions.

How to reduce cognitive dissonance

cognitive dissonance treatment

We asked participants how uncomfortable they thought they would have felt if they were in their fellow group member’s shoes. The greater the discomfort they thought they would have felt in their partner’s shoes, the greater the attitude change. In subsequent experiments, we increased our confidence that the engine that motivates attitude change following counterattitudinal advocacy is unpleasant arousal. In one experiment, we artificially decreased participants’ arousal level by administering a mild sedative. We found that participants showed little attitude change after writing an attitude-discrepant essay because the sedative reduced their arousal levels.

Индикатор Atr Описание И Применение Индикатора Common True Vary

By Форекс ОбучениеNo Comments

Проще говоря, если индикатор показывает значение 200, то это означает, что средний диапазон свечей указанного в настройках периода составляет 200 пунктов. Нанесение горизонтальных уровней используется по тому же принципу, atr индикатор который заложен и в скользящую среднюю, то есть, фильтрация. Главным отличием будет тот факт, что мувинг подвижен, а горизонтальные уровни статичны. Трейдер может наносить сразу несколько таких уровней, это очень удобно.

Опытные трейдеры скажут вам, что иногда при правильно сформированной на графике точке входа сигнал не отрабатывается. Например, уровень сопротивления был пробит, подтвержден в качестве поддержки техничным отскоком, но дальше цена не продолжила рост. В следующий раз в такой ситуации возникнут сомнения — открывать сделку или нет.

  • Это одна из причин того, что портфель зарабатывает порядка one hundred pc годовых.
  • Average_True_Range — мерило для интенсивности волатильных колебаний рынка.
  • Кроме того, он используется для измерения волатильности для любой конкретной продолжительности, от внутридневных до больших таймфреймов.
  • Начнем с самого главного – описания самого индикатора.
  • По умолчанию в TabTrader ATR рассчитывается за период в 14 свечей.

Допустим, заключается сделка, получается прибыль по позиции, а через определенное расстояние трейлинг-стоп начинает двигаться в направлении цены. Мера ATR является универсальным индикатором, поскольку она может измерять волатильность изменений цен различных классов активов или рынков. Кроме того, он используется для измерения волатильности для любой конкретной продолжительности, от внутридневных до больших таймфреймов.

Частые Ошибки При Использовании Atr

Медленное развитие тренда обычно заканчивается всплеском активности, о чем нам может сказать индикатор ATR для МТ5, МТ4 или любой другой платформы. Лучшим примером служат американские индексы – они медленно растут, но затем начинается ускорение, цена периодически падает, затем растет, формируется боковик. Крупные участники выходят из рынка, дальше начинается падение. Высокая волатильность сопровождает весь медвежий рынок и достигает пика на дне.

Как мы знаем, на рынке есть периоды повышения волатильности и более спокойные промежутки времени. Чтобы не упустить момент роста активности участников торгов и, как следствие, торговых возможностей, можно фильтровать движения с помощью ATR. Например, мы можем установить период основного индикатора 20 и дополнительно сгладить его скользящей средней с периодом one hundred. Соответственно, когда ATR поднимается выше мувинга, это рассматривается как сигнал к началу движений на рынке. Но не стоит забывать, что индикатор принимает во внимание общий диапазон. Если у нас будут идти подряд свечи с огромными тенями и маленькими телами, тренда при этом не будет.

Определяем По Atr Стоп-лосс И Тейк-профит На Примере

Если говорить о графиках Н4, то здесь актуально будет значение 18-30, которое соответствует 3-5 торговым дням. Проще говоря, мы подбираем значение периода ATR так, чтобы оно соответствовало каким-то целым периодам в более крупном масштабе. Оно достаточно популярно и встречается и в других индикаторах как значение по умолчанию, например, в RSI.

В будущем могут появиться новые сеты настроек под советник ATR. Кривые роста депозитов схожи во всех случаях, отличаются лишь детали.

atr трейдинг

ATR не укажет направление движения цены, но поможет определить, когда начинается консолидация и последующее движение цены по тренду. Метод может рассчитать движение цены за определенный период. Однако ATR напрямую не указывает направление тренда движения крипты. Чем выше значение ATR, тем выше вероятность изменения тренда биткойна/другой криптовалюты и чем ниже значение, тем слабее колеблющееся движение. ATR индикатор (average true vary — средний истинный диапазон) относится к индикатору технического анализа, рассчитывающего волатильность рынка или цены. Что же касается индексов, акций, товаров и криптовалют, то здесь ситуация несколько иная.

Обзор Индикатора Atr: Как Применяется В Советнике

Усовершенствование заключается в том, что помимо линии стандартного ATR в окне индикатора в виде гистограммы показывается и диапазон соответствующей свечи. Базовая логика не затрагивается, только в настройках появляется дополнительный пункт «Scaler». Независимо от выбранного способа появится окно с настройками. Это число показывает, на каком количестве свечей рассчитывается значение индикатора. При его повышении Average True Range становится более медлительным. Это всем известные OHLC, которые можно включить в торговом терминале Metatrader.

atr трейдинг

В конце концов, цена остается на одном уровне, выдав пару относительно скромных пиков. Недостатки индикатора заключены в его простоте — ATR не дает общей оценки поведения цены актива, и использование этого и только этого индикатора может привести к убыткам. Как только свеча изначальной волатильности выходит из рассматриваемого периода, ATR начинает снижаться. Цена в этой точке становится менее волатильной, поэтому ATR в текущем диапазоне продолжает уменьшаться.

Трейдинг С Использованием Atr В Tabtrader

ATR является техническим индикатором, измеряющим волатильность цены актива. Поскольку ATR является индикатором волатильности, он демонстрирует, насколько стоимость колеблется в среднем за конкретный временной интервал. Это помогает проанализировать волатильность, связанную с изменениями стоимости любой ценной бумаги, а затем выбрать лучшее время для торговли. ATR считается очень популярным торговым индикатором, но часто можно увидеть, что трейдеры интерпретируют или используют ATR неправильно. Это достаточно сложная методика, которая сочетает в себе анализ сразу нескольких таймфреймов.

atr трейдинг

В нашей выборке размер средней свечи составил 70 пунктов. Выясняя, как рассчитать ATR, мы упомянули об определении размера свечи перекрестием. Для большей точности можно от High отнять значение Low. Перечисленными выше сферами дело не ограничивается, ATR часто присутствует в составе стратегий как один из элементов анализа.

А потому общепринятая практика — использовать ATR при мультииндикаторном подходе, когда трейдеры проверяют сигналы каждого индикатора с сигналами остальных. Стоимость начинает резко двигаться в желаемом направлении. В данном случае трейлинг-стоп был довольно далеко, что дало рынку продолжить движение. ATR позволяет прогнозировать изменение тренда, используя среднее значение и выявляя волатильность.

Автором индикатора является известный биржевой аналитик Уэллс Уайлдер. Он написал целую книгу, в которой описывал различные математические методы анализа движения цены. “Новые концепции технических торговых систем” стали настольной книгой для многих технических аналитиков, но наибольший интерес представлял как раз индекс ATR. Изначально он разрабатывался для товарного рынка, можно провести аналогию с известным индикатором CCI.

Как Настроить Индикатор Atr Для Мт4 И Мт5

Он используется для оценки волатильности рынка в заданный период. Анализируя одиночные значения ATR, можно сделать еще более неверные выводы. Разовое значение без контекста — без знания истории цены — мало что значит.

Итак, как рассчитывается ATR на основе простых примеров свечей. Любой трейдер должен понимать, как создаются его индикаторы для принятия верных действий. Что касается настроек, то в данном случае доступен только период усреднения, равный 14. Он появляется на экране в виде сигнальной линии под главной диаграммой.

• Когда тренд прёт вниз, все в панике скидывают активы, волатильность тоже высока. AMarkets — международный онлайн-брокер, работающий с 2007 года. Наша миссия — предоставлять клиентам и партнерам во всем мире возможность стать успешными на финансовых рынках. Далее можно видеть формирование массивной фигуры бычьего поглощения (дневной график). Лучше объединить ее с поддержкой и сопротивлением — это поможет распознать развороты рынка в оптимальные сроки. Если вы хотите использовать в работе массовые тренды, применяйте скользящий стоп.

Expanding the continuum of substance use disorder treatment: Nonabstinence approaches PMC

By Sober livingNo Comments

controlled drinking vs abstinence

The results of the Sobell’s studies challenged the prevailing understanding of abstinence as the only acceptable outcome for SUD treatment and raised a number of conceptual and methodological issues (e.g., the Sobell’s liberal definition of controlled drinking; see McCrady, 1985). A “controlled drinking controversy” followed, in which the Sobells as well as those who supported them were publicly criticized due to their claims about controlled drinking, and the validity of their research called into question (Blume, 2012; Pendery, Maltzman, & West, 1982). Despite the intense controversy, the Sobell’s high-profile research paved the way for additional studies of nonabstinence treatment for AUD in the 1980s and later (Blume, 2012; Sobell & Sobell, 1995). Marlatt, in particular, became well known for developing nonabstinence treatments, such as BASICS for college drinking (Marlatt et al., 1998) and Relapse Prevention (Marlatt & Gordon, 1985). Like the Sobells, Marlatt showed that reductions in drinking and harm were achievable in nonabstinence treatments (Marlatt & Witkiewitz, 2002).

3. The harm reduction movement

A common objection to CD is that most people fail to return to “normal” drinking, and highlighting those able to drink in a controlled way might attract people into relapse, with severe medical and social consequences. On the other hand, previous research has reported that a major reason for not seeking treatment among alcohol-dependent people is the perceived requirement of abstinence (Keyes et al., 2010; Wallhed Finn et al., 2014, 2018). In turn, stigma and shame have been reported as a reason for not seeking treatment (Probst et al., 2015).

Why Moderation May Be a Better Choice Than Abstinence

Most of the information collected was self-reported by the participants, which is known to be somewhat problematic, so the researchers also contacted significant others who were used to corroborate the drinking behavior reported by the participants. The thing is that the amount of alcohol or drug use per se is not a part of the definition of addiction or abuse (other than in the “using more than intended” factor but even there an absolute amount isn’t introduced) and I don’t think it should be a necessary part of the solution either. Data extraction Outcomes of interest were continuous abstinence from alcohol (effectiveness) and all cause dropouts (as a proxy for acceptability) at least 12 weeks after start of intervention. Some of the abstainers reported experience of professional contacts, such as therapists or psychologists. These contacts had often complemented the support from AA but in some cases also complicated it as the IPs found that their previous SUD was related to other things that were not in line with the approach to addiction as a disease (e.g. IP19). When your goal is only one drink instead of no drinks at all, the temptation to stray can become less powerful and you can more often enjoy positive reinforcement from your successes.

Take Advantage of “Getting Back to Normal” to Revisit Your Relationship with Alcohol

This paper presents a narrative review of the literature and a call for increased research attention on the development of empirically supported nonabstinence treatments for SUD to engage and treat more people with SUD. We define nonabstinence treatments as those without an explicit goal of abstinence from psychoactive substance use, including treatment aimed at achieving moderation, reductions in use, and/or reductions in substance-related harms. We first provide an overview of the development of abstinence and nonabstinence approaches within the historical context of SUD treatment in the U.S., followed by an evaluation of literature underlying the theoretical controlled drinking vs abstinence and empirical rationale for nonabstinence treatment approaches. Lastly, we review existing models of nonabstinence psychosocial treatment for SUD among adults, with a special focus on interventions for drug use, to identify gaps in the literature and directions for future research. We identify a clear gap in research examining nonabstinence psychosocial treatment for drug use disorders and suggest that increased research attention on these interventions represents the logical next step for the field. A considerable number of clients reported changed views on the programme, some were still abstinent and some were drinking in a controlled way.

controlled drinking vs abstinence

Alcohol moderation management isn’t just about cutting back and reducing your blood alcohol concentration, it’s a deeply personal journey that can empower you to regain control of your life and reconnect with those who matter most. This strategy is not about total abstinence but involves setting moderate drinking goals that are safe and sensible for you, paying attention to social influences that may sway your decisions, and developing self-awareness around your triggers. Moderation techniques such as pacing yourself, choosing lower-alcohol options, or having alcohol-free days can be practical tools in this journey. In addition to issues with administrative discharge, abstinence-only treatment may contribute to high rates of individuals not completing SUD treatment. About 26% of all U.S. treatment episodes end by individuals leaving the treatment program prior to treatment completion (SAMHSA, 2019b).

  • “Harm reduction” strategies, on theother hand, set more flexible goals in line with patient motivation; these differ greatlyfrom person to person, and range from total abstinence to reduced consumption and reducedalcohol-related problems without changes in actual use (e.g., no longer driving drunkafter having received a DUI).
  • Many clients in the study described that the 12-step programme was the only treatment that they were offered.
  • In sum, research suggests that achieving and sustaining moderate substance use after treatment is feasible for between one-quarter to one-half of individuals with AUD when defining moderation as nonhazardous drinking.
  • It is essential to understand what individuals with SUD are rejecting when they say they do not need treatment.
  • Given low treatment engagement and high rates of health-related harms among individuals who use drugs, combined with evidence of nonabstinence goals among a substantial portion of treatment-seekers, testing nonabstinence treatment for drug use is a clear next step for the field.

controlled drinking vs abstinence

Individuals who received MET were more likely to be in the heavy and low risk drinking classes (Classes 3 and 5) and those who received CBT were less likely to be in the abstinent and heavy drinking class (Class 3). I’m a big supporter of the idea that improvements in quality of life, in addition to or instead of measures of abstinence, need to be incorporated broadly into addiction treatment research. The way I see it, our goal in treating addiction is to help a client improve their functioning, which is often being hampered by substance abuse but that is not necessarily completely dependent on it.

Data synthesis and analyses

While abstinence refers to behaviour, sobriety goes deeper and concerns the roots of the problem (addiction) and thereby refers to mental and emotional aspects. Differentiating these concepts opens up for recovery without necessarily having strong ties with the recovery community and having a life that is not (only) focused on recovery but on life itself. Also, defining sobriety as a further/deeper step in the recovery process offers a potential for 12-step participants to focus on new goals and getting involved in new groups, not primarily bound by recovery goals. Further, describing recovery as a process also implies paying attention to contributing factors outside the treatment context, such as the importance of work, family and friends.

Individuals who were mostly abstinent, even with occasions of heavier drinking (Class 6 and 7), had the best outcomes. Individuals who engaged in persistent heavy drinking (Class 1) had worse outcomes than all other classes, including those classes with other patterns of heavy drinking. Thus, it may be important for clinicians to assess for patterns of drinking and to encourage at least some abstinent days, even among those clients with low risk drinking goals.

controlled drinking vs abstinence

How To Create A Decision Matrix + Example & Free Template

By BookkeepingNo Comments

decision making framework template

The framework lets you put all your ideas in one place, allowing for better analysis. A decision matrix is a tool designed to help you choose the best option or course of action from a group based on key criteria. Using a matrix can also help you defend an existing decision (but hopefully the answer you get matches the decision you’ve already made). Decision matrices are used to resolve multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA). A decision matrix can have many names, including a grid analysis or opportunity analysis (for the process), criteria rating form, decision grid, or problem selection matrix (for the tool itself).

Useful Steps in the Decision-Making Process (With Templates)

decision making framework template

One example of a decision framework is the Pugh Matrix, which is used to compare different options against a set of criteria. Aspiring leaders can apply the Pugh Matrix to evaluate the pros and cons of various strategic initiatives, ensuring that their final decision is data-driven and aligned with their organization’s priorities. Another example is the OODA Loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act), which is particularly useful in dynamic and fast-paced environments.

decision making framework template

Your toolkit for strategy success

They receive updates but are not active participants in the project or decision. After creating a comprehensive list of pros and cons for each option, you can have more confidence that the option you chose is the correct one. To help distinguish between them, different shapes or colors often represent these nodes. The ClickUp Decision Tree Template makes it easy to create and structure these trees. We work with ambitious leaders who want to define the future, not hide from it. Decisions such as closing up shop or switching to remote work were taken almost instantaneously to address the most pressing issue — creating social distance.

  • This document will be where you record role assignments, decisions that need to be made, and tasks that need to be completed.
  • A decision and change log captures the decisions that you make during a project.
  • Unbundling involves breaking down a product or service into its individual components, allowing customers to purchase only what they require.
  • Indeed, suppose certain criteria are more important to your decision-making process.
  • It’s the best model for addressing problems that have a big impact on projects or the business as a whole since it involves a thoughtful and methodical approach.

Free Decision-Making Templates in Excel, Docs & ClickUp

Manage complex projects with ease using the Advance Project Gantt Chart Template. This tool helps you schedule tasks, set deadlines, and track progress in a visual format. Ensure that all team members are aligned and that your project stays on track. Ideal for project managers handling multifaceted projects with multiple dependencies and timelines. Enterprises and larger companies stand to benefit from the decision tree template too.

This is especially helpful if you prefer to keep your decision trees in line with brand colors and styles. Creately supports task and project management by enabling the creation of adjusting entries detailed action plans and timelines. You can assign responsibilities and track progress through project management templates, ensuring that decisions are implemented effectively. By following the CDM, you can ensure that decisions are made based on thorough analysis and clear objectives, reducing uncertainty and increasing the likelihood of achieving successful outcomes. The model focuses on understanding the problem, evaluating options, and implementing solutions effectively, making it a valuable tool for navigating challenging decisions. The Start Stop Continue template encourages teams to look at specific actions they should start doing, stop doing, and continue doing.

Step 5: Final check

  • The Vroom-Yetton-Jago Decision Model helps leaders determine the appropriate level of involvement their team should have in the decision-making process.
  • This could be a result of a “groupthink” dynamic, or it could be attributed to a perceived lack of accountability; individuals feel less responsibility or more protection as part of a group.
  • Decision trees can also be used to analyze and communicate complex decisions to others, including stakeholders and decision-makers.
  • With so many day-to-day decisions to make—and each one feeling high-stakes—it’s easy for all the choices to weigh a business or organization down.
  • You probably used compare and contrast when writing a book report in junior high.
  • Having a manageable list of options and criteria is essential for harnessing the power of a decision matrix.

The DACI framework is specifically designed to improve efficiency and clarity in projects and teams, fostering a more streamlined approach to decision-making. Using a structured decision making framework can help overcome common challenges in decision making, such as information overload, analysis paralysis, and cognitive biases. By providing a clear and organized approach, these frameworks enable teams to make more confident and effective decisions. This guide explores such powerful decision making frameworks designed to help you make better decisions. Whether you’re experienced or just starting out, this guide will give you the knowledge and strategies to make impactful decisions. Doing your homework (aka, the research) is a key step in your design process, and the Look, Mock, Analyze approach helps you examine, structure, and streamline that step.

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decision making framework template

It equips product managers to assess and balance customer needs, market trends, business objectives, and goals, thereby making informed, data-driven decisions. The DACI (Driver, Approver, Contributors, Informed) decision-making framework is a set of processes geared toward doing just that. As a variant of the RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) responsibility matrix, DACI’s emphasis on decision clarity for complex projects often makes it the go-to framework for product managers.

Add weight to the variables

  • Applicable to project management and personal management alike, use the Priority Matrix template to improve business processes, create efficiency, remove blockers, and reduce operational waste.
  • Also, check out our guide on change management tools to facilitate change management.
  • Assigning weights to criteria also makes the Pugh matrix an effective prioritization tool for any business strategy.
  • It’s the most popular model but can also require a lot of time in terms of research.
  • At times, these problems leave the decision makers unsure where to even begin or what questions to ask.
  • This ongoing evaluation helps ensure that your decision remains effective and relevant.

A decision matrix is a tool used to evaluate and prioritize multiple options based on several criteria. It helps in making complex decisions more manageable by providing a structured method for comparing different alternatives. Each option is scored against each criterion, and these scores are weighted according to the importance of the criteria. The option with the highest total weighted score is decision making framework typically considered the best choice. The Fit Gap Analysis Template is a strategic tool designed to help teams and organizations identify discrepancies between their current state and desired outcomes.

Olo Offers Alternative to DoorDash, Uber Eats, Grubhub, Says Founder

By Forex TradingNo Comments

what is

Over time, our partnership has helped to increase our top-line sales, maximize profitability, establish and maintain direct consumer relationships, and collect, protect, and leverage our valuable consumer data. We knew that we needed a restaurant-specific platform to process digital payments and combat fraud. With in-store and digital transactions aggregated in the Olo Dashboard, you can spend less time hopping between processors to issue refunds and void transactions, and more time focusing on your guests. “We are so humbled to be here and so thrilled about what lies ahead,” Glass said. “We are big believers that there’s going to be this massive return to restaurants and on-premise and that off-premise is going to continue to be a fast-growing component of the industry.” A reason it tapped Olo then was to relocate some of the team’s time to guest-facing activities.

  • “The ones that we love are the emerging enterprise or the early stage enterprise restaurants – those brands that typically attract the attention of a franchising consultant or a private equity shop,” Glass said.
  • It also charges per-transaction fees for certain ordering and delivery enablement products.
  • On average, brands see a 190% increase in same-store sales year over year.
  • Investors outside the restaurant industry might not know much about Olo, but rest assured they will learn a lot by the end of Olo’s IPO day.

Bluestone Lane uses a QR code, or what some refer to as “table service 2.0.” Where guests have the ability to order and pay, and have the order tagged to the table where they’re sitting. In DoorDash’s first earnings call on Thursday, the leading third-party delivery operator posted a net loss of $312 million in the fourth quarter of 2020, compared to a loss of $134 million in the same period last year. Olo currently works with 400 brands across 64,000 restaurant locations, playing an integral part of a chain’s digital ordering channels.

“It’s more of how do we augment the experience by enabling the opportunity for those that are in a hurry to be able to place their order before somebody comes over to ask for their order,” Glass says. Essentially, customers use Olo without having any idea they are doing so. Palmer, whose Aureole has earned 13 Michelin stars, told him he was mistaken.

Expand your reach with direct and marketplace delivery via our integrated network covering 99.9% of the U.S. With 10x average order values compared to traditional mealtime ordering, catering is a major driver of profitable traffic. Olo’s Catering+ helps brands capitalize with a fully integrated, enterprise-grade catering solution. We knew we needed a restaurant-specific platform to process digital payments and combat fraud all in one place. Olo Pay is fully integrated with our tech stack, easy to set up, and we finally have a strong relationship with our payment provider.

Dispatch enables restaurants to accommodate delivery orders through their own website or app. This is less costly than being listed on a delivery marketplace because commission fees for restaurants are less per order. Olo’s technology has since adapted to meet the demands of today’s convenience-seeking consumer. Glass’ mobile ordering technology pre-dates the iPhone as early technology made text messaging orders between consumers and restaurants possible. The company plans to raise $450 million by offering 18 million shares at $25 a share under the NYSE ticker “Olo.” That’s up from a previous range of $16 to $18 a share set earlier this month. We want to be in the stir-fry and salad business, not the payment processing business.

solution suites. Unlimited possibilities for growing your digital footprint.

Clients include Wingstop, Applebee’s, Chili’s, Denny’s, Five Guys Burgers & Fries, Jamba, Noodles & Company, Shake Shack, Sweetgreen, Red Robin, Dairy Queen, and Cracker Barrel. Olo solved several pain points, including multiple third-party tablets and order management issues, while also streamlining operations, allowing us to own our guest relationships, and helping us become a bigger food destination. Thoughtfully greet and serve dine-in and takeout guests with our all-in-one waitlist, reservation, order, and table management tool.

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The subscription element of Olo’s transactional SaaS model includes both a fixed fee component, as well as a usage-based component that increases as transaction volumes grow. It also charges per-transaction fees for certain ordering and delivery enablement products. An interesting distinction over the years is Olo didn’t divulge into becoming a consumer brand alongside that growth. Olo currently serves more than 400 restaurant brands across the aforementioned 69,000 individual locations. Quite a leap from when Glass founded the company after asking himself why he couldn’t get a cup of coffee faster by ordering ahead and skipping the line. Olo, a cloud-based, on-demand commerce platform founded in 2005, went public in mid-March after raising roughly $450 million at a valuation of $3.6 billion.

what is

of the top 100 US restaurant brands trust Olo to be the backbone of their digital operations

With virtual brands, Glass says the channel is democratizing access to launching restaurants. MrBeast, for instance, launched simultaneously in 200 kitchens across the country overnight. That could have taken decades to achieve that kind of physical availability before. This is also what happened in Q1 with Bloomin’, which re-platformed its long-standing homegrown digital ordering program to Olo. Olo looked at how it could enable an experience, such as the ability to place an order Best investment opportunities that is held in the cloud until someone is seated. It’s a use-case the company witnessed in family dining, Glass says, where they have big rush periods on Saturday and Sunday morning brunch.

In DoorDash’s first earnings call on Thursday, the leading third-party delivery operator posted a net loss of $312 million in the fourth quarter of 2020, compared to a loss of $134 million in the same period last year. Getting Olo customers to use all three modules will be a key growth strategy. As of December 31, 2019, 44% of Olo’s customers used all three of its modules. Two years before the iPhone was released, Noah Glass saw the potential for diners to use the phone to streamline dinner orders and for restaurants to take control of their digital destiny. Fast forward more than a decade, Glass is ready to invite Wall Street to invest in that same dream. Enable guests to scan a QR code to access your menu, place an order, and pay for a meal, all from their own mobile device.

It was true before a global crisis shut python math libraries the dine-in doors across America. Olo, Inc. engages in the provision of cloud-based, on-demand commerce platform for multi-location restaurant brands. The company was founded in 2005 and is headquartered in New York, NY.

Over the years, Glass says, quick-serves have grown through franchising, leading to disparate technology systems across franchisee operator groups. It’s manifested in the kind of nonhomogeneous environments for which Glass built Olo. Investors outside the restaurant industry might not know much about Olo, but rest assured they will learn a lot by the end of Olo’s IPO day.

Unlike third-party delivery, Olo’s platform marries restaurants with a vast and complex vendor market. In totality, Olo’s platform integrates with more than 100 restaurant technology solutions such as POS systems, delivery aggregators, payment processors, and loyalty programs. With restaurants and diners now even more in need of Olo’s services, the company is bullish on its future. The New York-based company plays both sides, as it marries restaurants with suitable technology partners from POS systems to loyalty programs in an increasingly complex vendor market. Olo’s platform marries restaurants with a vast and complex vendor market.

In this video, I’ll be talking about newly IPO’d OLO (OLO 4.61%) (which stands for Online Ordering). Olo in a way could be viewed as the Shopify for restaurants as it allows physical restaurants to have a digital presence and manage their forex brokers reviews and ratings – best brokers business more efficiently by using its own modules. Olo’s platform processes an average of about 1.8 million orders a day.

Инвестиционные платформы Libertex и MetaTrader 4 программы для инвестиций на Форекс онлайн

By Форекс БрокерыNo Comments

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VIP-условия доступны для клиентов с высоким депозитом (на сайте не уточняется его размер). Они включают персонального менеджера, индивидуальную аналитику, обучение “один-на-один”, более выгодные торговые условия и ускоренное снятие средств. Мы обеспечиваем трейдерам максимально выгодные условия торговли на Форекс рынке. Инвестиции в валютный рынок не требуют глубоких математических limefx развод знаний, но в аналитике трейдер должен разбираться.

Ключові особливості LimeFX Libertex

Доступные методы пополнения и вывода средств в FxClub включают в себя разнообразные платежные системы, что делает процесс удобным для большинства клиентов. Комиссия за депозит во всех случаях составляет 0%, и брокер компенсирует бонусными средствами все комиссии платежных систем. Однако вывод средств может занять до 10 рабочих дней, и в некоторых случаях возможна дополнительная комиссия, что немного снижает общую оценку.

Заключайте виртуальные сделки, используя тренировочный счет, учитесь пользоваться графиками, пробуйте строить прогнозы. И уже скоро вы сможете стать полноценным членом клуба Форекс и заработать на бирже свои первые деньги. Николай — опытный специалист в финансовых рынках и сооснователь IamForexTrader.

LimeFX Libertex делает ставку на качественное обучение своих клиентов, предоставляя все необходимые инструменты для успешной торговли на финансовых рынках. Неактивным считается счет, по которому в течение последних 90 календарных дней не было совершено ни одной торговой и/или неторговой операции по инициативе клиента. Например, на счете Libertex предлагаются достаточно узкие спреды, но при этом достаточно высокие свопы. Эти параметры могут влиять на общую стоимость торговли и должны быть учтены при выборе счета и торговой стратегии.

LimeFX Libertex: Відгуки та Огляд 2024

Своим клиентам мы всегда предоставляем правдивую и актуальную информацию о мире интернет-трейдинга — прогнозы Forex, курсы валют от евро до японской иены, новости рынка. Кроме того, мы оказываем услугу доверительное управление тем, у кого нет времени или желания осуществлять торги самостоятельно. Услуги по доверительному управлению оказывают также банки и другие организации.

  1. Бонус составляет 100% от суммы первого пополнения и может быть конвертирован в реальные деньги для использования в торговле или для вывода.
  2. На LimeFX предлагается широкий спектр аналитических материалов, хотя некоторые трейдеры могут найти их недостаточно глубокими или специализированными.
  3. Управление капиталом Forex — это профессиональный подход и минимум усилий в вопросах получения прибыли.

Статусы трейдеров

Вы можете покупать и продавать, с кредитным плечом, более 250 инструментов, таких как валюты, криптовалюты, cfd, акции, нефть и газ, сельхозтовары и все это в одном терминале. Вывод средств с LimeFX Libertex осуществляется через личный кабинет на сайте брокера. Для этого необходимо выбрать способ вывода, указать сумму и подтвердить операцию. Важно отметить, что вывод средств может занимать от нескольких часов до нескольких дней в зависимости от выбранного метода и банка. В лучшие идеи, прошедшие этап голосования и отбора аналитиками, клиенты брокера могут инвестировать.

Каждый статус предлагает различные уровни доступа к торговым платформам, аналитике, финансовым услугам, поддержке, готовым решениям и обучению. Например, статус Exclusive предлагает VIP-менеджера, эксклюзивные торговые условия и персональное обучение. Эта система статусов позволяет трейдерам выбирать уровень сервиса, который соответствует их потребностям и стратегии торговли. Раздел FAQ   — прекрасный способ ознакомиться с особенностями рынка и «из первых уст» узнать о торговле валютой, акциями и биржевой торговле. Любой современный веб-браузер сайт limefx подойдет для того, чтобы начать работать в торговой платформе Либертекс.

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С момента своего основания в 1997 году, LimeFX стремительно развивалась, заслуживая доверие трейдеров по всему миру. Компания основана в 1997 году и с тех пор предоставляет качественные услуги трейдерам во всем мире. Брокер активно развивается и постоянно обновляет свои услуги, чтобы удовлетворять потребности трейдеров.

What Is The Graph GRT? Features, Tokenomics, and Price Prediction

By Cryptocurrency serviceNo Comments

what is grt

The Graph is an indexing protocol for querying data for networks like Ethereum and IPFS, powering many applications in both DeFi and the broader Web3 ecosystem. Anyone can build and publish open APIs, called subgraphs, that applications can query using GraphQL to retrieve blockchain data. There is a hosted service in production that makes it easy for developers to get started building on The Graph and the decentralized network will be launching later this year. The Graph currently supports indexing data from Ethereum, IPFS and POA, with more networks coming soon.

The total token supply of GRT tokens is 10,000,000,000 and the current circulating supply is set at 4.72B GRT. On their delegated stake, delegators enjoy the protocol’s earnings with all indexers. When selecting Indexers, a Delegator must apply their best judgment based on a is purevpn good for torrents/p2p here’s what they’re missing variety of considerations like the delegation fee, the delegation unbonding period, choosing a trustworthy indexer, and so on. Prepare to dive into the inner workings of The Graph, a powerful Web3 protocol that serves as the catalyst for innovation by enabling open access to the world’s blockchain data.

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For enhanced security and offline storage, some of the most popular hardware wallets suitable for GRT storage include Ledger Nano S and Trezor One. However, they might be more suitable for experienced users with larger GRT holdings due to their cost and the technical knowledge required. Functioning by scrutinizing and aggregating blockchain data, The Graph then organizes it into distinct indices known as Subgraphs.

The Graph (GRT) has been dubbed by some as the Google of blockchains because it’s all about making it easy to organize and access data. It uses something called software consulting market size and share 2023 report “subgraphs” to create datasets that can be shared across applications. Within The Graph’s ecosystem, GRT, the native work utility token, plays an integral role in maintaining and securing the network.

What Makes The Graph (GRT) Unique?

  • To ensure economic security of The Graph Network and the integrity of data being queried, participants use Graph Tokens (GRT).
  • The Graph Network pays curators who flag high-quality subgraphs with a share of the query fees generated by those subgraphs.
  • In the token economy of this model, GRT is used to reward the network participants and pay for services in The Graph marketplace.
  • I’m a technical author and blockchain enthusiast who has been in love with crypto since 2020.
  • Staying ahead of alternative data indexing solutions requires constant technological advancement, community engagement, and ecosystem development.

Any analytics company can build an application to query subgraph data that’s indexed by The Graph. Subgraphs are open APIs to be able to pull data from the blockchain in the most seamless and efficient way. Notable backers include Coinbase Ventures, Digital Currency Group, and Multicoin Capital.

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A community-driven ecosystem

The Graph is one of the leading providers, preparing the data for users and making it available. The developers can use the subgraph studio used specifically for subgraphs that can index the Ethereum mainnet. The developers can also use hosted services through which best altcoin to mine on a low end computer best asic for mining they index networks that are present outside the Ethereum mainnet.

Indexers are node operators in The Graph Network that stake Graph Tokens (GRT) in order to provide indexing and query processing services. The essence of The Graph network lies in facilitating the seamless operation and development of decentralized applications (dApps) while also sourcing and utilizing data from various blockchain networks. The integral role played by the native token, GRT, is evident across all network participants, each with distinct purposes. GRT stands at the core of the network’s reward system, motivating Indexers, Curators, and Delegators to enhance and concurrently manage the market. The Graph price is influenced by a lot of the traditional factors such as project news and developments, market sentiment, the flow of cryptocurrency on exchanges and the economy in general. In addition to these factors, GRT’s price is also influenced by the number of queries the protocol processes, as this determines both the amount of GRT demand from Consumers and the amount of query fees being burned.

Network users can build and use apps on Ethereum, IPFS, and PoA through GraphQL while more networks should be accessible in the future. The network’s architecture relies on the contributions of Delegators, Indexers, and Curators, who provide curation and indexing services in exchange for GRT tokens. This incentivizes market participants to continually enhance APIs and furnish accurate data. Within The Graph Network, consumers querying subgraphs can remunerate network participants in GRT tokens through a designated gateway. In this hierarchical structure, Indexers, as node operators, stake GRT tokens to enable seamless indexing and querying.

Graph (GRT) Network Structure

GRT that is staked in the protocol is subjected to a thawing period and can be shortened if Indexers are malicious and provide inaccurate data to apps, or if they index wrongly. Based on subgraph manifest definitions, the Graph understands what to index and how to index Ethereum data. The Graph has a lot of potential, but there are no guarantees in crypto investing.

The Ultimate Guide to Sole Trader Bookkeeping

By BookkeepingNo Comments

bookkeeping for sole trader

There are many options available on the market today, each with their own features and price points. When choosing accounting software for your business, consider what features you need most. Cloud accounting software like Xero or QuickBooks drastically simplifies digital transaction recording. Once you have determined what taxes you need to pay and when they are due, it’s important to keep track of all payments made throughout the year. This means keeping records of all transactions related to taxes including receipts or invoices for tax payments bookkeeping for sole trader made. To reconcile your bank account, start by importing bank transactions into your bookkeeping software.

Income Tax

  • Effective bookkeeping does take time, effort and some initial self-education to learn how to do.
  • Which in turn will enable you to communicate effectively and professionally with others, and bolster your self-assurance as a business proprietor.
  • Accurate record-keeping not only helps you comply with tax laws but also enables you to make better-informed financial decisions for your business.
  • Accurate record-keeping is crucial for managing your sole trader accounts effectively.
  • It involves matching the transactions recorded in your bookkeeping system with those on your bank statement.

When you start out, it’s a good idea to set up a separate business bank account so your personal and company finances are kept apart. Regular reviews of a sole trader’s financial statements can provide valuable insights into the health and profitability of their business. By conducting a regular profit and loss analysis, owners can identify areas where they may be overspending or undercharging clients. They can also help you develop a long-term financial plan that aligns with your business goals. One way to stay on top of cash flow is through creating accurate and detailed cash flow projections. These projections allow you to anticipate any future financial requirements and adjust your business accordingly.

Preparing Books for Tax Return Filing

The magazine took a look at the available online and cloud-based options to help out anyone who prefers DIY accounting. After you register with HMRC, they will send you your login information to help you go online and make payments, download necessary documents and help you calculate what you owe. Class 2 National Insurance payments are required for you to access healthcare. You also need to let HMRC know if you make money from renting out property. Additionally, VAT registration allows you to reclaim VAT paid on business purchases, which can be financially beneficial.

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Still, you should see 197,600 job openings each year over the next decade 3. According to 81 percent of CBs who interviewed for a new job after becoming certified, having a certification contributed to getting the interview 4. With a certified bookkeeper designation, you are qualified to perform all critical functions through the adjusted trial balance and basic payroll for small to medium-sized businesses. While bookkeepers can sit for the CB exam sections in any order, AIPB recommends taking part one before scheduling part two. To maintain certification, you need to earn at least 60 continuing education credits every three years. Small businesses may prefer to handle their books themselves, but hiring a professional bookkeeper can be helpful.

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bookkeeping for sole trader

Their work plays an important role in the operation of a successful business, which can have very many transactions in a single day, let alone a week, month, fiscal quarter, or year. A sole trader is a self-employed individual such as a freelancer or someone who operates a one-person business under their own name. A sole trader takes on all the liability of his or her business, pays all of his or her own taxes and manages each facet of the business.

Give Credit They Deserve

By PoliticsNo Comments

While the visit of the government delegation to Chad had triggered debates and depictions in social media reflective of a comic dramatic work using buffoonery and horseplay and typically including crude characterization and ludicrously improbable situations, I saw a takeaway message. The two images sold the visit. One being of the guy who wept and another of amputee liberator who struggled to sit and whose images invaded the social media, drawing diplomatic and public attention. There should be no shame for what they did. The guy who wept knew what he did, cried relentlessly until someone turned to him, so was the liberator. They are not children. It was a division of roles to achieve what they went for. It was not a mission in which fault would not be seen but which must be successfully accomplished to the admiration of the general hiring officer, the president. Make no mistake to underestimate them. They are adult politicians with education to scheme and work through their dreams.

What they did cause the current leadership in Chad to feel Deby was a great personality in regional politics and his son was the right pick. The delegation, huge as it was, had caused Chadian authority to think about what they would do next when they come across a case involving a fate of the current leadership in the regional clubs and associations to which they subscribed. It was a strategic visit, second to that which the French president undertook, although Chad has always been the handbag of France.

Several heads of state and governments in Chad, starting with the first president after gaining independence in 1960, Francois Tombalbaye, the two days president Noel Milarew Odingar in whose hand the president left this planet in 1975, to Felix Mallloum, later Goukouni Oueddei, followed by Lol Mahamat Choua, then Goukouni Ouedei two, followed by Hissene Hibre, Idris Deby and now his son, have always ascended to power either with the full backing of France or full knowledge, even if the group succeeded with either the support of Nigeria, Libya or Sudan. Chad never knew anybody with formidable leadership or personality worth reaching for support in the south. Khartoum was either their source of fear or support. So, if someone or people they know had ties with Khartoum had come to visit them, they would give a listening ear, hoping their message would be delivered to those in Khartoum in return. Rather than sending liberators with western education and connections without personal affections and some sorts of religious and mercenary stories to crack and share as some on the delegation depicts, the guy who grew up in the house of masterminds and backers who helped put the president being succeeded by a son in power was a right pick. Deby was in Khartoum until 1990 when he took power in Ndjamena and Tut Kew was in the house of Deby’s backers. They must have met to know each other, albeit at arm’s length at the time but which can possibly be a source of starting intimate diplomatic relations and connection, if properly utilized since there is already a knowledge of each other.

Far from death and mourning visit, the African Union being one of the clubs to which Chad had subscribed and is managed by one of their own, Musa Faki, a member of the ruling Patriotic Salvation Movement and a northerner besides coming from Zaghawa, a tribe of the former president and his successor, could possibly be another target. Nothing comes to mind other than this. The agreement contained a provision of the hybrid court. AU would select judges and the government in Juba would do the same. It will be a court of split ideas and judgments. The backgrounds of judges AU would select would require serious work from both the government and the commission. A judge who would trouble the commission would not get hired to bring food to the table of his children and showcase talent and education than the one who would listen to rhetoric selling African solution to an African problem. The latter would apparently find a place on the bench with folks the government would nominate to the court. The former will have to wait. This, though not empirically conclusive, points at a grand strategy behind which a huge and public resources draining delegation predominantly Kiir must stay folks, was assembled. If Kiir goes by the recommendation of the court, they are gone. And who would such mistake in politics? Obviously, not a politician and one who does that has no business in being in African politics. So, give the credit they deserve, then holding on damn if you do, and damn if you do not.

The author is a South Sudanese journalist reachable at

Darfur ethnic attacks must be fully addressed

By opinionNo Comments

A series of blunders have contributed to the tragic situation in Sudan’s West Darfur region and continue to expose civilians to violence, notably among them the premature withdrawal in December 2020 of the African Union-United Nations peacekeeping mission (UNAMID) and the Sudanese security forces’ continued failure to protect civilians.

Unless a holistic approach is adopted to address the underlying causes of the insecurity and human rights violations in the region, intercommunal violence will escalate.

Multiple attacks have left hundreds of people dead and many more injured and continue to sustain the dire human rights and humanitarian situation in the region.
West Darfur state has in the last two years suffered three deadly inter-ethnic clashes. Most salient in all of these cases is that the Sudanese security forces (including some armed groups that signed the recent Juba Peace agreement with the government) failed to prevent these attacks.

On 3 April 2021, armed allegedly Arab men sparked off four days of deadly violence when they shot three Massalit men, killing two of them: 28-year-old Saber Ishaq and 47-year-old Arab Khamis. A third man, Abdul-hafiz Yahia Ismaeil, 53, was seriously injured. According to the West Darfur State Doctors’ Committee, at least 144 people were killed, and 232 others injured during the clashes.

In January 2021, at least 163 people were killed and 217 injured during a revenge attack on the Krinding camp, that is home to thousands of Massalit Internally Displaced People (IDPs). In July 2020, more than 60 Massalit people were killed and about 60 wounded by members of an armed group around Masterei town, 48km south of El-Geneina.

In December 2019, tension flared up again after a Massalit man killed an Arab man. Arab militia retaliated by attacking Krinding IDP camp and, according to the UN, killed 83 Massalit and injured 160, set fire on shops and houses, and displaced 48,800 people. In May 2019, members of an armed Arab militia shot and killed two Massalit people and injured 14 others in El Geneina.

A holistic approach to ending this violence must start with restoration of the rule of law, respect of human rights and immediately countering ethnic hate speech and fearmongering. The government should also move with urgency to implement the National Plan for the Protection of Civilians and Security Arrangements, ensuring the joint protection forces deployed in Darfur are adequately equipped and trained, including to respect, protect and fulfil human rights. The government must ensure all security forces and their allied armed groups are held accountable for violations of international human rights and humanitarian law.

In West Darfur, historical ethnic distrust and tensions have increased since the ouster of the Al-Bashir government in April 2019. The communities in West Darfur are sharply divided in their allegiances; most Massalit and many other indigenous African groups expressed their joy after the regime’s fall. The Massalit community has endured long periods of suffering dating back to the 1990s when their villages were systemically attacked by armed militia from the Arab.

During the conflict in Darfur which began in 2003, Massalit villages were raided and burnt repeatedly for 17 years. Thousands were killed, internally displaced, or forced to flee to neighbouring Chad. The National Congress Party (NCP)’s government regularly supported and armed some of the Arab communities during the conflict in Darfur.

Some of the Arabs in West Darfur remained ambivalent and bewildered by the seismic political change in Sudan, some are supportive of the political changes while others are still loyal to the former regime.

Amnesty International spoke to seven eyewitnesses and survivors of the most recent attacks on 4 to 6 of April. Some of them were injured during the attacks, some lost members of their families.

A group of armed Arabs shot and killed 34-year-old Masalit man, Abdulrazig Mohamed Khater, in his house during the attack on El Jebel area on 4 April.
The latest attacks occurred four months after the termination of the UNAMID operation in Darfur on 31 December 2020, handing over security and civilian protection functions to the Sudanese security forces, duties they have obviously not taken up hence the continued attacks and killings.

The UN Security Council must in light of the worsened security and human rights situation, expand UNITAMS’ mandate to include civilian protection.
The Government of Sudan must also undertake thorough, independent, impartial investigations into killings, injuries, displacement and other human rights abuses that have been committed during these clashes and ensure that those found responsible are brought to justice in civilian courts without recourse to the death penalty.
Ahmed Elzobier is the Researcher for Sudan at Amnesty International