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Purchasing Managers’ Index PMI Business Macroeconomics Vocab, Definition, Explanations Fiveable

By Forex TradingNo Comments

what is pmi index

Investors and traders pay close attention to this information for adjusting their strategies and reacting to latest economic movements, making it a crucial part of finance analysis and decision-making. An application of PMI data is to figure out when the economic cycle changes direction. If a PMI reading is higher than 50, it means there’s expansion happening; but if it’s less than 50 then we can say there are signs of contraction.

A reading at 50 indicates that the number of manufacturers reporting better business fortfs review is equal to those stating business is worse. One of the most reliable leading indicators for assessing the state of the U.S. economy is the PMI, formerly known as the Purchasing Managers’ Index. PMI is the headline indicator in the ISM Manufacturing “Report on Business,” an influential monthly survey of purchasing and supply executives across the United States.

What does the Purchasing Managers’ Index measure?

Companies are able to cut back on output in response, signaling a potential economic contraction. By tracking inventory trends, purchasing managers gauge shifts in aggregate supply and demand. Analysts monitoring the ebbs and flows of macroeconomic conditions rely heavily on the purchasing managers’ index for its early glimpses of shifts underway. As manufacturers comprise a sizable portion of output and employment, their inventories, sales and staffing serve as leading clues to GDP, production and jobs reports months in advance. To sum up, the Flash Services PMI data has a big effect on individual stock values, especially in the service sector. When the PMI reading is good, it usually makes investors more sure and increases stock prices.

Conversely, if the data is negative, it might increase hopes of central bank involvement for strengthening the economy. For instance, an unexpectedly strong PMI report may cause a bullish market reaction, giving chances to purchase stocks or indices. On the other hand, if there is a disappointing PMI report, it might cause a sell-off.

what is pmi index

How Is the PMI Calculated?

If the Flash Services PMI comes out higher than expected, this might increase trust from investors because it shows strong economic activity and growth in the service industry. Positive outlook may result in more buying actions within the stock market, increasing stock prices, especially for service-oriented sectors. But there is no lack of economic data that can be used to gauge the health and prospects of the overall economy and individual sectors. Other closely watched economic indicators include measures of consumer confidence, new home starts, rental prices trends, and the volume of goods being shipped. The PMI’s main goal is to show the economic condition of manufacturing and service fields in a moment. It works like an initial sign of economic activity, giving early hints about how the economy might go.

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The ISM manufacturing index or PMI measures the change in production levels across the U.S. economy from month to month. Thus, it is one of Como invertir en forex the earliest indicators of economic activity that investors and business people get regularly. All ISM indexes are diffusion indexes, which measure the extent to which a change is dispersed or diffused in a group.

  • The Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) is an indicator of the prevailing direction of economic trends in the manufacturing and service sectors.
  • This can introduce sample bias, as the companies surveyed might not be fully representative of the entire sector or economy.
  • When there is a rise in these new orders it shows that there is more demand.
  • The PMI report is an extremely important indicator of the financial markets as it is the best indicator of factory production.
  • Slower deliveries due to strong demand and tight supply often lead to rising prices as suppliers gain greater pricing power.

At the root, discrete PMI surveys continue interrogating procurement specialists independently regarding fluctuations in new orders, payrolls, pricing and the like specific to their industrial or service realm. However, a composite approach then amalgamates raw data applying weighted consideration. Falling production alongside weak new orders signals declining economic momentum.

A PMI index over 50 indicates that manufacturing is expanding, while anything below 50 means that the industry is contracting. Each indicator has a different weight and the data review what works on wall street is adjusted for seasonal factors. Inflation can affect the economy in many ways, which is why the Federal Reserve tracks prices and tries to keep them stable. The Manufacturing PMI registered at 49.2% in April 2024 which was a drop from the 50.3% reported in March 2024.

Diffusion Indexes

This would create opportunities for short selling or making adjustments in positions. By expecting how the market will react to PMI data, traders can benefit from temporary ups and downs. Good PMI reports can enhance hopefulness, causing more buying behavior and pushing up stock prices. On the other hand, bad PMI news may cause worries about economic well-being which can result in market sell-offs and price fluctuations.

Forex: торговля на рынке форекс онлайн на сайте fxclub org

By Форекс БрокерыNo Comments

LamdaTrade регистрация

Наша компания по праву считается одним из лучших брокеров Форекс (Forex brokers) в Узбекистане, Украине и странах СНГ. LamdaTrade – это один из первых торговых брокеров, начавший предоставлять пользователям возможность торговли на финансовом рынке Форекс. Компания была основана в 1997 году и за это время успела завоевать клиентское доверие у более чем 120 стран мира. LamdaTrade является одним из передовых брокеров по количеству активных трейдеров, предоставляя свои услуги на протяжении более 20 лет. А главное преимущество — это многолетний опыт работы на рынке финансовых операций, а также огромное количество положительных отзывов реальных клиентов. Мне очень нравится, политика менеджеров Форекс Клуб по мотивации трейдеров, потому что постоянно распространяют различные идеи через вебинаров, с помощью которых можно реально зарабатывать.

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По большинству торговых инструментов данные хранятся с 2000 года. Вам необходимо выбрать lamdatrade обзор торговую платформу для торговли и открыть соответствующий торговый счёт. Например, если вы планируете торговать на MetaTrader 4, необходимо создать счет MetaTrader 4 Instant или MetaTrader 4 Market.

Аналитика и прогнозы — это основные факторы, на которые должен ориентироваться трейдер при принятии торговых решений. Прогнозы можно составлять самостоятельно, на основе новостей, а можно знакомиться с готовыми экспертными оценками того или иного факта. Если самостоятельная торговля кажется трейдеру слишком обременительной, он может воспользоваться услугой «доверительное управление капиталом». Заключайте виртуальные сделки, используя тренировочный счет, учитесь пользоваться графиками, пробуйте строить прогнозы. И уже скоро вы сможете стать полноценным членом клуба Форекс и заработать на бирже свои первые деньги. Следует четко осознавать повышенный уровень и степень риска, которые предполагаются деятельностью финансовых рынков.

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Учитывая вышеизложенное, необходимо окончательно удостовериться в получении достаточных знаний и опыта, позволяющих избежать потенциальных убытков. Впечатление о данной компании остаётся скорее lamdatrade официальный сайт положительное. Несмотря на многочисленные проблемы самого разного рода, описываемые в отзывах других людей, подобных проблем, по крайней мере вопиющих, лично у меня не возникало. Приступить к торговле на LamdaTrade можно с 10$ на депозите. Из инструментов акции, металлы, сырье, пары (около 50 штук), крипта. Также еще интересные программы инвестиций для пассивного дохода.

Регистрация торгового счета в терминале MetaTrader4

Ну, сотню-то я снял, а вот остальные деньги уже не успел — потерял все. Так что не ведитесь, они названивают постоянно, настаивают на том, чтобы еще внести депозит, обещают золотые горы. Своим клиентам мы всегда предоставляем правдивую и актуальную информацию о мире интернет-трейдинга — прогнозы Forex, курсы валют от евро до японской иены, новости рынка.

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Заполняя форму регистрации, вы подтверждаете, что ознакомлены и согласны с условиями договора. Занимаюсь торговлей третий год и уже почувствовала на себе горечь потерь из — за аферюг. Может быть условия не совсем комфортные, но когда тебе отдают твои кровно заработанные — главное. Партнерка от торгового брокера LamdaTrade – это возможность получить бонус в размере $300 за каждого привлеченного пользователя.

  1. Наша компания по праву считается одним из лучших брокеров Форекс (Forex brokers) в Узбекистане, Украине и странах СНГ.
  2. Также клиенты LamdaTrade имеют возможность наряду с основными торговыми счетами открыть и бонусный счет, который будет отображен в личном кабинете.
  3. Служба поддержки функционирует достаточно надежно, потому что отвечает на любые вопросы без задержек.
  4. Поэтому сразу говорю, что если вы дальше демо счета никуда и не уходили, то у вас всегда такие ситуации будут.

Партнерская программа от LamdaTrade, является важным инструментов для получения стабильного дохода, без необходимости вносить депозит и вести торговлю на финансовом рынке. Мы предоставляем трейдерам LamdaTrade самые выгодные торговые условия. Наш дилинговый центр обладает всеми необходимыми инструментами, чтобы вы смогли зарабатывать трейдингом. Форекс Клуб является лучшим вариантом для трейдеров, которые находятся в поиске надежного Форекс брокера. Честный брокер всегда предлагает своим клиентам реальные условия, которые, тем не менее, остаются выгодными.

LamdaTrade регистрация

Вся изложенная информация на сайте, добавлена исключительно для ознакомления. Про Форексклуб часто слышу, что есть заминки с графиком, многие говорят, что бывают моменты, когда цена может разворачиваться в начале открытия сделки. Поэтому сразу говорю, что если вы дальше демо счета никуда и не уходили, то у вас всегда такие ситуации будут. Если вы работаете с реальными деньгами и в реальных условиях, в моменте сейчас, то котировки всегда точные. По своему опыту говорю, что никаких разворотов цены нет и никаких шипов не вырисовывается.

Ripple XRP майнинг как добывать или заработать на видеокарте

By Форекс ОбучениеNo Comments

ripple как майнить

Размер награды, как и в случае с майнингом, будет варьироваться в зависимости от предоставленной мощности. В сети не так много информации о том, как добывать Ripple, но способ всё же есть. Однако майнингом его назвать не получится, ведь нет ни привычного блокчейна, ни блоков, которые нужно добывать. В качестве надежного хранилища для криптовалюты Ripple были разработаны специализированные электронные кошельки.

Проекты на базе Телеграм

Криптовалюта XRP (Ripple) — одна из самых популярных цифровых монет в мире (практически наравне с Bitcoin и Ethereum). Технологические преимущества могут обеспечить некоторым криптовалютам более успешный старт. Именно поэтому криптовалюта XRP прочно обосновалась на вершине рыночных рейтингов. Биткойн и многие из самых популярных криптовалют полагаются на майнинг как на способ постепенного увеличения денежной массы контролируемым и преднамеренным образом. Рынок криптовалюты в 2017 году резко вырос, что помогло всему миру узнать о нем. Биткойн был и пока остается номером один в этой области, но растущие конкуренты (альткоины) также сделали большой хайп и нацелены сместить Биткоин.

Можно ли майнить XRP?

Иными слова, когда цены низкие, стоимость майнинга криптовалюты может превышать их собственную стоимость, что приводит к снижению активности майнинга. Преимущество криптовалюты на основе майнинга заключается в том, что рыночные условия частично помогают определить количество усилий, затрачиваемых на создание новых блоков. Это сеть, основанная на протоколе Ripple Transaction Protocol или RTXP. Сеть состоит из компьютеров, известных как валидаторы (как ноды в биткоине), которые распространены по всему миру. Валидаторы следят за тем, чтобы каждая транзакция, отправленная через сеть, соответствовала правилам RTXP.

ripple как майнить

Где еще взять XRP

Профит, который рипл может принести банковскому сектору, можно выразить конкретными цифрами. Однозначно стоит отдавать предпочтение валютам, уже признанным авторитетными банками и организациями. Под одной учетной записью можно конвертировать риплы на фиатные деньги и хранить депозиты в любой из перечисленных валют. Поворотным моментом в истории Ripple стал запуск RippleLabs в 2014 году, основанный Джедом ccом и сконцентрированный на сотрудничестве с банковскими организациями. Тогда первым серьезным клиентом компании стал мюнхенский банк Fidor.

Возможно, вопреки кандидатству Ethereum, на это будет способна криптовалюта Ripple (Рипл). В момент запуска данной экосистемы было выпущено порядка 100 млрд. XRP без учета возможности новых эмиссий, что изначально сделало вопрос о «традиционной» добыче монет путем использования видеокарт или любых других мощностей неактуальным. Предсказывать стоимость цифровых валют сложно из-за их высокой волатильности и не до конца определенной позиции мировых центробанков в их отношении.

  • Его целью является обеспечение «безопасных, мгновенных и почти бесплатных глобальных финансовых операций любого размера без возвратных платежей».
  • В 2021-му году компания найдёт способ привлечь ещё больше банков в систему.
  • Реестр включал криптовалюту XRP, чтобы следовать тому же принципу имен, что и у Биткоина.
  • Журнал Форбс включил её в рейтинг ТОП-50 лучших финтех-предприятий в мире.
  • Это означает, что со временем число доступных коинов постоянно уменьшается.
  • Он обеспечил всестороннюю поддержку проекта на начальном этапе продвижения.

Прообразом этой валюты считается появившаяся в 2005 году криптовалюта RipplePay, разработчиком которой является Райан Фуггер. Система должна была позволить участникам при совершении сделок (например, купли-продажи) обходиться без посредников со стороны советы по выбору форексброкера банков. Он обеспечил всестороннюю поддержку проекта на начальном этапе продвижения. Криптовалюта Ripple (обозначается как XRP) входит в глобальную систему взаимных расчетов и позволяет за несколько секунд перевести средства в любую часть света.

Это независимая некоммерческая организация для ускорения разработки и принятия децентрализованной системы XRP Ledger. Фонд получил первоначальное пожертвование в размере более $6,5 млн от компаний Coil, Ripple и Gatehub. альпари форекс отзывы реальные Средства предназначались для финансирования работы растущего числа создателей и других членов сообщества. Изначально Ripple представлял собой одноранговую P2P сеть для проведения взаиморасчетов в интернете.

Но что делает монету максимально привлекательной для инвестиций – ее низкая текущая стоимость при огромных торговых оборотах. По прогнозам экспертов, в наступившем году курс рипла составит как минимум $2-3, за токен а самые оптимистичные из них озвучивают цифру в $100 за 1 монету XRP. Причем после каждой кто такой project manager операции в сети количество монет сокращается, поэтому со временем стоимость каждого рипла лишь увеличивается. Разработчики сделали для себя свою собственную систему, где участники предоставляют некоторые мощности для решения некоторых задач. Главной особенностью считается консенсусный реестр (ledger).

В настоящее время XRP занимает 3 место по капитализации криптовалют. Администрация сайта ответственности за содержание материала не несет. Если Вы обнаружили на нашем сайте материалы, которые нарушают авторские права, принадлежащие Вам, Вашей компании или организации, пожалуйста, сообщите нам. Различных конкурсах, выполнять бонусные задания, приглашать рефералов, не забывать ежедневно посещать ресурс.

Библиотеки программирования существуют в софте более высокого уровня, где они импортируются в код и содержат методы доступа. Посредническое ПО дает косвенный допуск к данным XRP Ledger. Приложения на этом уровне часто имеют собственное хранилище и обработку данных. Программы и сервисы взаимодействуют с реестром на уровне пользователя. Также они служат базой для приложений и сервисов еще более высокого значения.

Риппл управляет и публикует эталонную реализацию этого ПО rippled. Сервер доступен по разрешительной лицензии с открытым исходным кодом. Все могут изучить и изменить его, а также повторно опубликовать с небольшими ограничениями.

Fentanyl Withdrawal Symptoms & Detox Timeline

By Sober livingNo Comments

fentanyl withdrawal symptoms

The fentanyl withdrawal symptoms usually last for several days. You may notice that you continue to feel slightly off for several weeks after stopping opioids. Extended-release naltrexone is a non-opioid medication, but it reduces cravings by blocking opioid receptors in the brain.

How Long Is Fentanyl Detox?

fentanyl withdrawal symptoms

As your body gets used to the drugs, you need higher doses to achieve the desired effects. Taking large doses of any drug comes with a risk of overdose, which can cause death. When deaths have occurred from fentanyl withdrawal, they have almost always been in people who were alone at the time.

  • One drug expert said the uptick in fentanyl seizures could mean either that more is coming in or that less is coming in.
  • If you or someone you love struggles with fentanyl misuse or addiction, don’t wait.
  • It has a very quick onset of action and is quickly eliminated from the body.
  • Your doctor will determine your dosage, how often you take the replacement drugs, and how long you will be on the program.

Short Opioid Withdrawal Scale7

Fentanyl is a powerful pain reliever prescribed to people who are tolerant to other opioids. If you or your loved one is thinking about making a change in their life by quitting fentanyl, reach out to a treatment provider to learn more about your treatment options. Have a free, confidential conversation with a treatment provider to discuss the treatment process, verify insurance coverage, and get enrolled in a licensed drug treatment facility.

fentanyl withdrawal symptoms

Enhancing Healthcare Team Outcomes

fentanyl withdrawal symptoms

Opioid withdrawal isn’t life-threatening, but it can make you feel very sick. Studies show fear of withdrawal symptoms is a major reason why people keep using opioids. If you have opioid use disorder, receiving treatment for withdrawal symptoms may be the first step toward recovery. Using opioids for even a few days raises your risk of becoming dependent and experiencing side effects.

When should I see my healthcare provider?

During withdrawal, the patient’s mental state should be monitored to detect complications such as psychosis, depression and anxiety. Patients who exhibit severe psychiatric symptoms should be referred to a hospital for appropriate assessment and treatment. Short-acting benzodiazepines include oxazepam, alprazolam and temazepam. Withdrawal typically begins 1-2 days after the last dose, and continues for 2-4 weeks or longer.

fentanyl withdrawal symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms vary according to the drug of dependence and severity of dependence, but often include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, anxiety and insomnia. Table 3 provides guidance on medications for alleviating common withdrawal how long does iv fentanyl stay in your system symptoms. There are recent updates to the current management of opioid withdrawal syndrome. In May 2018, the FDA approved lofexidine hydrochloride, the first non-opioid for managing opioid withdrawal syndrome. Lofexidine hydrochloride is an alpha-2 adrenergic agonist indicated for the acute discontinuation of opioids.

Medical Professionals

Some specialists point out that recovery requires a period of at least 6 months of total abstinence, during which the person may still experience symptoms of withdrawal. For example, heroin is typically eliminated from your system faster, and symptoms will start within 12 hours of last use. If you’ve been on methadone, it may take a day and a half for symptoms to begin. The amount of time your symptoms last depends on the frequency of use and severity of the addiction, as well as individual factors like your overall health. The brain actually manufactures its own opioids, which are responsible for a whole host of effects, including decreasing pain, lowering the respiratory rate, and even helping to prevent depression and anxiety. Opioid withdrawal can be categorized as mild, moderate, moderately severe, and severe.

fentanyl withdrawal symptoms

Medications Used to Detox from Opioids

Many people are addicted to fentanyl without even realizing it. Some illicit drug dealers make fake heroin with it, and many people treated for “heroin overdose” have no actual heroin in their system. The drug they thought was heroin was simply fentanyl and cutting agents. Even cocaine — a non-opioid — is being faked with fentanyl, which has led to an increase in fentanyl overdose cases. Synthetic opioids like fentanyl and its related compounds are currently the main drivers of drug overdose deaths in the U.S. This makes recovery from drug use more urgent than ever before.

Fentanyl Withdrawal Medications

Almost all the side effects we saw were mild and resolved on their own. Ketamine is also an effective pain medication that can extend the effects of opioids and reduce the number of doses needed. Inhalant withdrawal symptoms can begin anywhere between a few hours to a few days after ceasing inhalant use.

Direct vs Indirect Method Cash Flow Statement

By BookkeepingNo Comments

direct vs indirect method cash flow

Kepion Budgeting and Forecasting software offers a comprehensive solution to optimize financial planning and decision-making processes to support these efforts further. Operating activities is perhaps the key part of the cash flow statement because it shows whether (and to what extent) a business can generate cash from its operations. At the same time, it can help shore up your cash flow by ensuring you’re capturing all the revenue that is owed to you. Notably, you can make your collections efforts more effective by using accounts receivable software that reduces nonpayment and encourages faster payment via a collaborative approach. The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) requires those who use the direct method of cash flows to disclose this reconciliation.

  • All sales and purchases were made on credit during the last quarter of the financial year.
  • As opposed to the indirect cash flow statements that focuses on non-cash transactions, direct cash flow is meant for finding changes in cash payments.
  • Each method is important to keep in mind since there is no single correct answer for every cash flow need.
  • Conversely, the accrual accounting method records revenues and expenses as they occur, rather than when money comes in or out.
  • If this is your first time broaching the subject of either of these methods then you may want to start with figuring out the “why” instead of the “what”.

What Is the Difference Between Direct and Indirect Cash Flow?

The indirect method starts with net income and then removes noncash items, nonoperational gains, and losses to calculate cash flow from operating activities. Adjustments are made for changes in connector accounts to convert accrual accounting figures to cash balances. The other option for completing a cash flow statement is the direct method, which involves listing actual cash inflows and outflows during the reporting period. The indirect method is more commonly employed, particularly among larger firms, due to its ease of use and direct connection to the balance sheet.

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For public firms, it also means there will be an open record of their exact cash flow available, which competitors could use to their advantage. This content is presented “as is,” and is not intended to provide tax, legal or financial advice. Start your 30-day free trial with Finmark today to level up your financial planning. Additionally, the regulations your business is subject to could determine which method you will need to utilize. Though it is the more popular method, there are still some potential drawbacks to keep in mind for the indirect method. For these reasons, the indirect method tends to be the industry standard over the direct method.

What is your current financial priority?

direct vs indirect method cash flow

This is another example of a cash flow statement of Nike, Inc. using the indirect method for the fiscal year ending May 31, 2021. This method of calculating cash flow takes more time since you need to track payments and receipts for every cash transaction. By looking at the cash flow statement, one can see whether the company has sufficient cash flowing in to pay its debts, fund its operations, and return money to shareholders via dividends or stock buybacks. After you complete this step, you will list the net change in cash based on these changes in operating, financing, and investing cash flow. You can use this information to calculate the net change in cash and cash equivalents.

Cash flow planning: what it means and why it’s important

Therefore, it is important to clearly and accurately present this information to internal and external members. Cash Flow From Operating Activities is one of the categories of cash flow. The company’s current assets and current liabilities on 31 March 2019 are shown below. Note how it always starts with the net income and then adjusts the numbers based on non-cash transaction. Both methods use distinct calculations to reach the same end result, but they use different details during the process.

Cash inflows from operating activities are generated by sales of goods or services, the collection of accounts receivable, lawsuits settled or insurance claims paid. Businesses may also generate cash inflows by obtaining refunds or license fees. Given that it is only a book entry, depreciation does not cause any cash movement and, hence, it should be added back to net profit when calculating cash flow from operating activities. By contrast, small companies may find the direct method a better fit for their needs. Those with relatively few income sources are likely to find it simpler to do cash accounting and direct cash flow accounting. The direct cash flow method offers better visibility for short-term planning as compared to the indirect method.

Why Use the Direct Cash Flow Method?

In the direct method of cash flow statement preparation, actual receipts from customers and actual payments to suppliers, service providers, employees, taxes, etc. are reported. While under the indirect method, the net income is adjusted for non-cash items and working capital changes to arrive at the net cash flows from operating activities. Companies applying the Direct method disclose major classes of gross cash receipts and cash payments.

direct vs indirect method cash flow

Aggregating all transactions and reviewing them for the final statement can also be especially time-consuming. These documents present a detailed narrative of the company’s cash position, assets, and financial health when presented alongside the income and balance sheet statements. A cash flow statement is one of three documents that make up a company’s complete financial statements. The cash flow statement is the only one out of the three main financial statements that has multiple ways you can prepare it. If your team hasn’t prepared a direct method cash flow statement in years but has 10+ years of experience using the indirect method, this is likely the better choice. A cash flow statement (CFS) is a financial statement that captures how much cash is generated and utilized by a company or business in a specific time period.

Companies may add other expenses and losses back to net income because they do not actually use company cash in addition to depreciation. The items added back include amounts of depletion that were expensed, amortization of intangible assets such as patents and goodwill, and losses from disposals of long term assets or retirement of debt. While both are ways of calculating your net cash flow from operating activities, the main distinction is the starting point and types of calculations each uses. The three methods of accounting are (1) the cash-basis accounting method, (2) the accrual accounting method, and (3) the modified cash-basis accounting method.

Other companies may also have a higher capital investment which means they have more cash outflow rather than cash inflow. The cash flow statement also encourages management to focus on generating cash. This cash flow statement shows that Nike started the year with approximately $8.3 million in cash and equivalents. After this, you need to add or subtract any items related to the company’s financing operations.

The cash flow statement contains three activities, namely operating, investing, and financing. The cash flow statement does not replace the income statement as it only focuses on changes in cash. In contrast, the income statement is important,1,1,2118-o-sayte.html as it provides information about the profitability of a company. Before beginning, you will need to collect the necessary financial information. In this case, you will need information from the company’s income statement and balance sheet.

The comprehensive guide to accounts payable outsourcing

By BookkeepingNo Comments

accounts payable outsourcing companies

AP outsourcing companies don’t just follow best practices when doing their work. They incorporate technologies that identify errors before they become liabilities. Make sure you go through your provider’s privacy policy and data protection measures carefully. This lets you determine if the provider matches your security standards before you outsource work. However, when you outsource the task to a third-party provider, error reporting can be problematic.

accounts payable outsourcing companies

But by considering 55 virtual assistant jobs for beginners in 2021 factors such as cost, scalability, and the level of control desired, you can make an informed decision about the best approach for your business. Usually, such third parties use internal servers and cloud storage to store sensitive data. While it serves as centralized access for both parties involved, the data is also prone to potential security breaches and hacks. Join us as we unravel the jaw-dropping comedy of evaluating the costs and value of AP services. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll wonder how you ever survived without this amazing insight.

Enhanced visibility and control

  1. If your team can create value elsewhere in the business by moving to an outsourced AP model, outsourcing might make sense.
  2. In fact, according to the 2018 Payments Fraud and Control Survey by the Association for Financial Professionals (AFP), 78% of all organizations surveyed were hit by payments fraud in 2017.
  3. If your current accounts payable process has considerable cash leaks or issues, moving to outsourced AP may improve budget optimization even after the cost of service fees.
  4. Choosing between accounts payable outsourcing or automation depends entirely on the size and nature of a business.
  5. So, embrace the journey and prepare for more astonishing revelations that will leave you in stitches.
  6. This decision should be based on factors such as the provider’s expertise, technological capabilities, industry experience, and client testimonials.

When working with Genpact, businesses can expect a dedicated project manager and a team of experts to handle their accounts payable tasks, ensuring smooth communication and timely execution. By partnering with Genpact, organizations can focus on their core business activities while an experienced team effectively manages their AP processes. ILM is a Virginia-based provider of accounts payable services to commercial clients, government entities, and nonprofits. They utilize artificial intelligence and machine-learning algorithms in their smart-scanning and exception-handling technology, ensuring efficient and accurate invoice receipt and processing.

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Whether it’s handling invoices, reconciling accounts, or providing detailed reports, ILM Corp. is committed to delivering top-notch service with a smile. This leaves your AP team free to attend to the value-creation activities of the business. Upgrading old accounting systems to modern tools is costly and time-consuming. But evaluating your options with a complete understanding of what’s available leads to better business outcomes.

While AP automation will make its in-house AP processes easier, outsourcing will be ideal for a business looking to reduce its AP workload. They also provide comprehensive reporting and analytics, giving you valuable insights into your financial health. It’s like having a crystal ball that predicts your future financial success, all while you sit back and enjoy a good laugh. Accounts payable services are like the secret ingredient that adds an extra sprinkle of magic to your business operations. It’s like having a team of highly skilled wizards working behind the scenes, ensuring that your financial processes run smoothly and efficiently. Now that we’ve had our fair share of laughter, it’s time to get serious again (just for a moment, promise).

Improved efficiency

Hence, if your business shares duplicate invoices, you are going to have to pay for that too. If outsourcing providers do not have the facility to detect duplicate invoices, then the business ends who enforces gaap up incurring more costs than necessary. Many accounts payable outsourcing companies work off-site but use modernized technology that can be tracked at every step. With automated tracking in place, businesses can gain real-time access and information on their account payable processes. For many businesses, invoice data entry and payables management are not always 100% integrated into business functions, so it can often be lucrative to outsource this paperwork. Accounts payable outsourcing can help smoothen the AP process while ensuring that payments to vendors are cleared efficiently.

Set up touchless AP workflows and streamline the Accounts Payable process in seconds. Join our community to get finance, operations, and procurement resources straight to your inbox. preparing a trial balance helps high-performing clients in diverse industries increase the efficiency of their procurement process.

These metrics should be tailored to the specific goals and objectives of the organization, such as reducing processing costs, improving cycle times, or enhancing vendor satisfaction. Proper preparation is crucial for a smooth and successful transition to an outsourced accounts payable model. This includes internal alignment and communication to ensure all stakeholders are informed and on board with the change. Additionally, data migration and system integration must be carefully planned and executed to maintain data integrity and minimize disruptions.

Picture a world where the tap of a finger is all it takes to settle invoices. Say goodbye to the days of tedious manual payment processing, and say hello to the comedy of watching invoices being paid with effortless ease. Sit back, relax, and let the laughter unfold as you witness the wonders of automated payment processing. Before implementing a move to outsourcing or automation, get your data in order to ensure you begin your new program with a clean slate.

The time has come to choose your knight in shining armor, your partner in crime, your accounts payable service provider. Get ready for a laugh-out-loud adventure through the murky waters of provider selection. With their meticulous attention to detail and knowledge of industry regulations, they ensure that every payment is accurate and compliant.

Cognitive Dissonance: Definition and Examples

By Sober livingNo Comments

cognitive dissonance treatment

On a big-picture level, we have cognitive dissonance to thank for huge advancements within society. Dr. Noulas says that successes in women’s rights, environmental rights, and gay rights are examples of positive change that have resulted from cognitive dissonance. Those changes were due to individuals recognizing contradictions between how people viewed women, the environment, and nontraditional relationships and how we acted as a society (or allowed others to act). It’s the tension that arises when we think one way but act another way, or when we hold two opposing views at the same time. You believe we all should reduce our carbon footprint but struggle to break free from internal combustion engines and luxury SUVs. Typically, when we feel psychological dissonance, it’s because one of these patterns of thought is being challenged.

Reducing the Importance of the Conflicting Belief

  • It is not a sentiment or a preference, but rather a motivational necessity that people had to accommodate.
  • Cooper & Worchel’s finding meant that the dissonance effect was dependent on having produced something unwanted – in this case, convincing a fellow student that a boring task was actually fun and exciting.
  • As an illustration, Focella et al. (2016) established vicarious hypocrisy by having participants witness a fellow student make a public pro-attitudinal statement about using sunscreen whenever one goes outdoors.
  • Axsom & Cooper (1985) used laboratory procedures to demonstrate that people can lose weight if they are motivated by dissonance, but no such treatment ever became available for people to use.
  • The theory of cognitive dissonance has been widely researched in a number of situations to develop the basic idea in more detail, and various factors have been identified which may be important in attitude change.

Some participants had been offered cognitive dissonance and addiction a small amount of money to make the attitude discrepant statement (U.S. $1) while others had been offered a substantially larger amount (U.S. $20). Festinger & Carlsmith made the prediction that the $20 incentive would lead to less dissonance than the small incentive because it helped people understand why they had acted in contradiction to their true beliefs. Participants who had only been offered $1 had much less comfort from their small incentive and thus were predicted to experience a greater tension state. Consistent with those predictions, participants in the $1 condition changed their attitudes more than the participants who were offered the large reward.

Social pressures

Many decades ago, I argued that cognitive dissonance might be the underlying mechanism behind successful psychotherapy, regardless of the type of therapy being offered (Cooper, 1980). From psychoanalytic approaches to cognitive and behavioral interventions, clients find themselves in a situation much like participants in Aronson & Mills’ (1959) classic effort justification experiment. Aronson & Mills’ participants came to like a goal they were trying to achieve as a function of the amount of effort they expended to achieve the goal.

cognitive dissonance treatment

Cognitive Dissonance and the Discomfort of Holding Conflicting Beliefs

We generally try to eliminate this dissonance by taking a new, consonant action or by dismissing the incongruent information. The effects may relate to the discomfort of the dissonance itself or the defense mechanisms a person adopts to deal with it. There are also individual differences in whether or not people act as this theory predicts. Many people seem able to cope with considerable dissonance and not experience the tensions the theory predicts. In other words, he could tell himself that a short life filled with smoking and sensual pleasures is better than a long life devoid of such joys. In this way, he would be decreasing the importance of dissonant cognition (smoking is bad for one’s health).

cognitive dissonance treatment

  • The call to place more emphasis on putting dissonance research into practice is simultaneously a call to continue studying dissonance in the laboratory.
  • She is an immigrant and identifies as a Chinese and Filipina American woman.

As Festinger said, “The holding of two or more inconsistent cognitions arouses the state of cognitive dissonance, which is experienced as uncomfortable tension. For Festinger, consistency among cognitions was not a preference but a drive. Just as people need to reduce their thirst by drinking and their hunger by eating, people who perceive inconsistency must find a way to reduce it. The drive to reduce inconsistency can be accomplished by a number of means, but attitude change became the most frequent resolution in the early research on dissonance.

  • Cognitive dissonance isn’t just a vague psychological theory — in fact, contradictory beliefs appear in our lives more often than we might want to admit.
  • People recognized the cognitive dissonance and made necessary changes to better align society’s values with our actions.
  • When you feel either physical or psychological discomfort, make a note of it to yourself.
  • The field of social psychology has always had equal interest in theoretical advancement and practical applications of its theories.
  • It has the advantage of being testable by scientific means (i.e., experiments).

How To Reduce Cognitive Dissonance

Because these behaviors are pro-attitudinal rather than counterattitudinal, the best way for achieving change is to arouse the dissonance-based motivational drive of hypocrisy. Times are beginning to change and dissonance theorists have been part of that change. 21st century literature shows an accelerating number of practical procedures that are being used and assessed, particularly in the health improvement field. Based on cognitive dissonance theory, the Body Project was developed as an intervention to help people with faulty body images and eating disorders (Stice, Rohde & Shaw, 2013). Evaluation studies have shown this approach to have significant impact on eating disorders among women in a United States sample (Green et al., 2018) and body image satisfaction among men in the United Kingdom (Jankowski et al, 2017). This is as it should be, as arguably no theory has been more frequently studied, criticized, supported and modified than cognitive dissonance.

cognitive dissonance treatment

So, for instance, when conflict or tension arises, take the time to pause and think through your situation and your feelings. “The tension that gets created when you hold certain beliefs or values but act in a way that conflicts with your belief systems generates an internal discomfort that most people have to subconsciously work very hard to ignore,” Curry says. Recognizing and reconciling cognitive dissonance is not always a feel-good experience. Spotting dissonance in our own lives can be painful, embarrassing, and anxiety-inducing, too. And it can be troubling and mentally exhausting to deal with, Curry says. People recognized the cognitive dissonance and made necessary changes to better align society’s values with our actions.

How to reduce cognitive dissonance

cognitive dissonance treatment

We asked participants how uncomfortable they thought they would have felt if they were in their fellow group member’s shoes. The greater the discomfort they thought they would have felt in their partner’s shoes, the greater the attitude change. In subsequent experiments, we increased our confidence that the engine that motivates attitude change following counterattitudinal advocacy is unpleasant arousal. In one experiment, we artificially decreased participants’ arousal level by administering a mild sedative. We found that participants showed little attitude change after writing an attitude-discrepant essay because the sedative reduced their arousal levels.

Индикатор Atr Описание И Применение Индикатора Common True Vary

By Форекс ОбучениеNo Comments

Проще говоря, если индикатор показывает значение 200, то это означает, что средний диапазон свечей указанного в настройках периода составляет 200 пунктов. Нанесение горизонтальных уровней используется по тому же принципу, atr индикатор который заложен и в скользящую среднюю, то есть, фильтрация. Главным отличием будет тот факт, что мувинг подвижен, а горизонтальные уровни статичны. Трейдер может наносить сразу несколько таких уровней, это очень удобно.

Опытные трейдеры скажут вам, что иногда при правильно сформированной на графике точке входа сигнал не отрабатывается. Например, уровень сопротивления был пробит, подтвержден в качестве поддержки техничным отскоком, но дальше цена не продолжила рост. В следующий раз в такой ситуации возникнут сомнения — открывать сделку или нет.

  • Это одна из причин того, что портфель зарабатывает порядка one hundred pc годовых.
  • Average_True_Range — мерило для интенсивности волатильных колебаний рынка.
  • Кроме того, он используется для измерения волатильности для любой конкретной продолжительности, от внутридневных до больших таймфреймов.
  • Начнем с самого главного – описания самого индикатора.
  • По умолчанию в TabTrader ATR рассчитывается за период в 14 свечей.

Допустим, заключается сделка, получается прибыль по позиции, а через определенное расстояние трейлинг-стоп начинает двигаться в направлении цены. Мера ATR является универсальным индикатором, поскольку она может измерять волатильность изменений цен различных классов активов или рынков. Кроме того, он используется для измерения волатильности для любой конкретной продолжительности, от внутридневных до больших таймфреймов.

Частые Ошибки При Использовании Atr

Медленное развитие тренда обычно заканчивается всплеском активности, о чем нам может сказать индикатор ATR для МТ5, МТ4 или любой другой платформы. Лучшим примером служат американские индексы – они медленно растут, но затем начинается ускорение, цена периодически падает, затем растет, формируется боковик. Крупные участники выходят из рынка, дальше начинается падение. Высокая волатильность сопровождает весь медвежий рынок и достигает пика на дне.

Как мы знаем, на рынке есть периоды повышения волатильности и более спокойные промежутки времени. Чтобы не упустить момент роста активности участников торгов и, как следствие, торговых возможностей, можно фильтровать движения с помощью ATR. Например, мы можем установить период основного индикатора 20 и дополнительно сгладить его скользящей средней с периодом one hundred. Соответственно, когда ATR поднимается выше мувинга, это рассматривается как сигнал к началу движений на рынке. Но не стоит забывать, что индикатор принимает во внимание общий диапазон. Если у нас будут идти подряд свечи с огромными тенями и маленькими телами, тренда при этом не будет.

Определяем По Atr Стоп-лосс И Тейк-профит На Примере

Если говорить о графиках Н4, то здесь актуально будет значение 18-30, которое соответствует 3-5 торговым дням. Проще говоря, мы подбираем значение периода ATR так, чтобы оно соответствовало каким-то целым периодам в более крупном масштабе. Оно достаточно популярно и встречается и в других индикаторах как значение по умолчанию, например, в RSI.

В будущем могут появиться новые сеты настроек под советник ATR. Кривые роста депозитов схожи во всех случаях, отличаются лишь детали.

atr трейдинг

ATR не укажет направление движения цены, но поможет определить, когда начинается консолидация и последующее движение цены по тренду. Метод может рассчитать движение цены за определенный период. Однако ATR напрямую не указывает направление тренда движения крипты. Чем выше значение ATR, тем выше вероятность изменения тренда биткойна/другой криптовалюты и чем ниже значение, тем слабее колеблющееся движение. ATR индикатор (average true vary — средний истинный диапазон) относится к индикатору технического анализа, рассчитывающего волатильность рынка или цены. Что же касается индексов, акций, товаров и криптовалют, то здесь ситуация несколько иная.

Обзор Индикатора Atr: Как Применяется В Советнике

Усовершенствование заключается в том, что помимо линии стандартного ATR в окне индикатора в виде гистограммы показывается и диапазон соответствующей свечи. Базовая логика не затрагивается, только в настройках появляется дополнительный пункт «Scaler». Независимо от выбранного способа появится окно с настройками. Это число показывает, на каком количестве свечей рассчитывается значение индикатора. При его повышении Average True Range становится более медлительным. Это всем известные OHLC, которые можно включить в торговом терминале Metatrader.

atr трейдинг

В конце концов, цена остается на одном уровне, выдав пару относительно скромных пиков. Недостатки индикатора заключены в его простоте — ATR не дает общей оценки поведения цены актива, и использование этого и только этого индикатора может привести к убыткам. Как только свеча изначальной волатильности выходит из рассматриваемого периода, ATR начинает снижаться. Цена в этой точке становится менее волатильной, поэтому ATR в текущем диапазоне продолжает уменьшаться.

Трейдинг С Использованием Atr В Tabtrader

ATR является техническим индикатором, измеряющим волатильность цены актива. Поскольку ATR является индикатором волатильности, он демонстрирует, насколько стоимость колеблется в среднем за конкретный временной интервал. Это помогает проанализировать волатильность, связанную с изменениями стоимости любой ценной бумаги, а затем выбрать лучшее время для торговли. ATR считается очень популярным торговым индикатором, но часто можно увидеть, что трейдеры интерпретируют или используют ATR неправильно. Это достаточно сложная методика, которая сочетает в себе анализ сразу нескольких таймфреймов.

atr трейдинг

В нашей выборке размер средней свечи составил 70 пунктов. Выясняя, как рассчитать ATR, мы упомянули об определении размера свечи перекрестием. Для большей точности можно от High отнять значение Low. Перечисленными выше сферами дело не ограничивается, ATR часто присутствует в составе стратегий как один из элементов анализа.

А потому общепринятая практика — использовать ATR при мультииндикаторном подходе, когда трейдеры проверяют сигналы каждого индикатора с сигналами остальных. Стоимость начинает резко двигаться в желаемом направлении. В данном случае трейлинг-стоп был довольно далеко, что дало рынку продолжить движение. ATR позволяет прогнозировать изменение тренда, используя среднее значение и выявляя волатильность.

Автором индикатора является известный биржевой аналитик Уэллс Уайлдер. Он написал целую книгу, в которой описывал различные математические методы анализа движения цены. “Новые концепции технических торговых систем” стали настольной книгой для многих технических аналитиков, но наибольший интерес представлял как раз индекс ATR. Изначально он разрабатывался для товарного рынка, можно провести аналогию с известным индикатором CCI.

Как Настроить Индикатор Atr Для Мт4 И Мт5

Он используется для оценки волатильности рынка в заданный период. Анализируя одиночные значения ATR, можно сделать еще более неверные выводы. Разовое значение без контекста — без знания истории цены — мало что значит.

Итак, как рассчитывается ATR на основе простых примеров свечей. Любой трейдер должен понимать, как создаются его индикаторы для принятия верных действий. Что касается настроек, то в данном случае доступен только период усреднения, равный 14. Он появляется на экране в виде сигнальной линии под главной диаграммой.

• Когда тренд прёт вниз, все в панике скидывают активы, волатильность тоже высока. AMarkets — международный онлайн-брокер, работающий с 2007 года. Наша миссия — предоставлять клиентам и партнерам во всем мире возможность стать успешными на финансовых рынках. Далее можно видеть формирование массивной фигуры бычьего поглощения (дневной график). Лучше объединить ее с поддержкой и сопротивлением — это поможет распознать развороты рынка в оптимальные сроки. Если вы хотите использовать в работе массовые тренды, применяйте скользящий стоп.

Expanding the continuum of substance use disorder treatment: Nonabstinence approaches PMC

By Sober livingNo Comments

controlled drinking vs abstinence

The results of the Sobell’s studies challenged the prevailing understanding of abstinence as the only acceptable outcome for SUD treatment and raised a number of conceptual and methodological issues (e.g., the Sobell’s liberal definition of controlled drinking; see McCrady, 1985). A “controlled drinking controversy” followed, in which the Sobells as well as those who supported them were publicly criticized due to their claims about controlled drinking, and the validity of their research called into question (Blume, 2012; Pendery, Maltzman, & West, 1982). Despite the intense controversy, the Sobell’s high-profile research paved the way for additional studies of nonabstinence treatment for AUD in the 1980s and later (Blume, 2012; Sobell & Sobell, 1995). Marlatt, in particular, became well known for developing nonabstinence treatments, such as BASICS for college drinking (Marlatt et al., 1998) and Relapse Prevention (Marlatt & Gordon, 1985). Like the Sobells, Marlatt showed that reductions in drinking and harm were achievable in nonabstinence treatments (Marlatt & Witkiewitz, 2002).

3. The harm reduction movement

A common objection to CD is that most people fail to return to “normal” drinking, and highlighting those able to drink in a controlled way might attract people into relapse, with severe medical and social consequences. On the other hand, previous research has reported that a major reason for not seeking treatment among alcohol-dependent people is the perceived requirement of abstinence (Keyes et al., 2010; Wallhed Finn et al., 2014, 2018). In turn, stigma and shame have been reported as a reason for not seeking treatment (Probst et al., 2015).

Why Moderation May Be a Better Choice Than Abstinence

Most of the information collected was self-reported by the participants, which is known to be somewhat problematic, so the researchers also contacted significant others who were used to corroborate the drinking behavior reported by the participants. The thing is that the amount of alcohol or drug use per se is not a part of the definition of addiction or abuse (other than in the “using more than intended” factor but even there an absolute amount isn’t introduced) and I don’t think it should be a necessary part of the solution either. Data extraction Outcomes of interest were continuous abstinence from alcohol (effectiveness) and all cause dropouts (as a proxy for acceptability) at least 12 weeks after start of intervention. Some of the abstainers reported experience of professional contacts, such as therapists or psychologists. These contacts had often complemented the support from AA but in some cases also complicated it as the IPs found that their previous SUD was related to other things that were not in line with the approach to addiction as a disease (e.g. IP19). When your goal is only one drink instead of no drinks at all, the temptation to stray can become less powerful and you can more often enjoy positive reinforcement from your successes.

Take Advantage of “Getting Back to Normal” to Revisit Your Relationship with Alcohol

This paper presents a narrative review of the literature and a call for increased research attention on the development of empirically supported nonabstinence treatments for SUD to engage and treat more people with SUD. We define nonabstinence treatments as those without an explicit goal of abstinence from psychoactive substance use, including treatment aimed at achieving moderation, reductions in use, and/or reductions in substance-related harms. We first provide an overview of the development of abstinence and nonabstinence approaches within the historical context of SUD treatment in the U.S., followed by an evaluation of literature underlying the theoretical controlled drinking vs abstinence and empirical rationale for nonabstinence treatment approaches. Lastly, we review existing models of nonabstinence psychosocial treatment for SUD among adults, with a special focus on interventions for drug use, to identify gaps in the literature and directions for future research. We identify a clear gap in research examining nonabstinence psychosocial treatment for drug use disorders and suggest that increased research attention on these interventions represents the logical next step for the field. A considerable number of clients reported changed views on the programme, some were still abstinent and some were drinking in a controlled way.

controlled drinking vs abstinence

Alcohol moderation management isn’t just about cutting back and reducing your blood alcohol concentration, it’s a deeply personal journey that can empower you to regain control of your life and reconnect with those who matter most. This strategy is not about total abstinence but involves setting moderate drinking goals that are safe and sensible for you, paying attention to social influences that may sway your decisions, and developing self-awareness around your triggers. Moderation techniques such as pacing yourself, choosing lower-alcohol options, or having alcohol-free days can be practical tools in this journey. In addition to issues with administrative discharge, abstinence-only treatment may contribute to high rates of individuals not completing SUD treatment. About 26% of all U.S. treatment episodes end by individuals leaving the treatment program prior to treatment completion (SAMHSA, 2019b).

  • “Harm reduction” strategies, on theother hand, set more flexible goals in line with patient motivation; these differ greatlyfrom person to person, and range from total abstinence to reduced consumption and reducedalcohol-related problems without changes in actual use (e.g., no longer driving drunkafter having received a DUI).
  • Many clients in the study described that the 12-step programme was the only treatment that they were offered.
  • In sum, research suggests that achieving and sustaining moderate substance use after treatment is feasible for between one-quarter to one-half of individuals with AUD when defining moderation as nonhazardous drinking.
  • It is essential to understand what individuals with SUD are rejecting when they say they do not need treatment.
  • Given low treatment engagement and high rates of health-related harms among individuals who use drugs, combined with evidence of nonabstinence goals among a substantial portion of treatment-seekers, testing nonabstinence treatment for drug use is a clear next step for the field.

controlled drinking vs abstinence

Individuals who received MET were more likely to be in the heavy and low risk drinking classes (Classes 3 and 5) and those who received CBT were less likely to be in the abstinent and heavy drinking class (Class 3). I’m a big supporter of the idea that improvements in quality of life, in addition to or instead of measures of abstinence, need to be incorporated broadly into addiction treatment research. The way I see it, our goal in treating addiction is to help a client improve their functioning, which is often being hampered by substance abuse but that is not necessarily completely dependent on it.

Data synthesis and analyses

While abstinence refers to behaviour, sobriety goes deeper and concerns the roots of the problem (addiction) and thereby refers to mental and emotional aspects. Differentiating these concepts opens up for recovery without necessarily having strong ties with the recovery community and having a life that is not (only) focused on recovery but on life itself. Also, defining sobriety as a further/deeper step in the recovery process offers a potential for 12-step participants to focus on new goals and getting involved in new groups, not primarily bound by recovery goals. Further, describing recovery as a process also implies paying attention to contributing factors outside the treatment context, such as the importance of work, family and friends.

Individuals who were mostly abstinent, even with occasions of heavier drinking (Class 6 and 7), had the best outcomes. Individuals who engaged in persistent heavy drinking (Class 1) had worse outcomes than all other classes, including those classes with other patterns of heavy drinking. Thus, it may be important for clinicians to assess for patterns of drinking and to encourage at least some abstinent days, even among those clients with low risk drinking goals.

controlled drinking vs abstinence